Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do people go to hypnotherapy and whay are they so quick to recommend it?

Why are people so quick to recommend hypnotherapy to other people for everything? Most people that seek help from a professional for mental issues are very vulnerable. Why then go to somebody that you don't know or trust and let them have complete control of your mind? Other than using it for quiting smoking or losing weight, why do it?
It won't give some one "control of your mind" but hypnosis does leave you very open to suggestion (which is why it sometimes works) and eager to please. That is why there have been cases of false memories being created by hypnosis. On the other hand, some people claim it has helped them, so I suppose, like anything else, it is just a matter of personal choice.
Hypnotherapy will not give anyone complete control of your mind. I think you need to do more research into what it actually is.

Why do people drink when they are under stress?

Actually I'm not sure. If I'm feeling stressed I find a drink makes it worse-- alcohol seems to bring a feeling of sadness. So no, not a good thing to do when you're trying to solve a problem. But avoid caffeine too.
To temporarily give the brain a break from focusing on the stressors.
Not everyone drinks when their stressed. I smoke when I'm stressed, some people eat, etc.. I'm not a dr., but I think it's just a coping mechanism. Even though it's not a very good, since it can get out of hand.
thats the only way they know how to cope with the problem at hand

Why do people develop eating disorders?

I had an eating disorder, I can tell you.
It's the issue with you feel the need to be skinny, you watch TV and see all these models and it freaks you out until you starve yourself or puke.
It also has to do with peer pressure and friend. My best friend is a size 2, she never puts pressure on me though, never has, but I was jealous, I wanted to be that small.
It all in what parents say too, my parents used to say that I wasn't as skinny as they were and it made me feel really bad about myself.
Its in the mind and all the surroundings. I was scared and felt like I was an outcast. Its a hard thing to deal with and over come. But its all in the self image and what I had to see everyday. Now with my friends I am proud to be back to a size 7 and I think models are sickening.
they feel like sh*it
peer pressure, seeing celebrities thin, wanting attention, teasing about weight, etc
in the family
they just can not help it
personal problems, stress, financial hardships.
they they suck at life
Getting teased about their weight often makes them develop an ED, seeing thin celebrities on TV makes them want to look like that, seeing a distorted body image of themselves, to gain control.
I would think low self esteem or trauma. Maybe a chemical imbalance.
Because they feel bad about themselves.
Usually it's because they feel inferior to others. They have low self esteem, so when they actually get thin they don't realize it b/c they're so used to hating themselves so they continue to loose weight, not realizing they're suffering a mental break-down.

Before they know it, they're in the hospital having almost died from kidney failure and low-potassium levels, but even this is not a wake-up call for some so those people die.

In the end it's due to societal pressures mixed with unbalanced brain activity.
ha i've got one so i can answer this real well. you see, we look at ourselfs differently then other people and when looking at myself i see this huge girl standing there and it disgusts me, and i am overweight, i know it, i'm like 5'3'' and i weigh a freaking 108 pounds, but i see myself as more over weight then i actually am, so my docter said, and i think i started because i saw all these beautiful celebraties that were like 95 pounds and they're taller than me, and i dont know, us eating disordered people are messed up, DO NOT start making yourself throw up, do it healthier, i meant to do it just till i reached like 90 pounds, but now i cant freaking stop, it just keeps coming up =[
bulimia runs in my family and now i have it for 4 yrs. now
Eating disorders all come about for different reasons. I believe that most are actually about control and self worth.

Why do people answer questions when they don't know what they are talking about?

I've read hundreds of responses on here where the information given was wildly inaccurate, logically wrong, or just plain stupid. This often happens in the Health section, where a wrong answer can cause serious physical or psychological harm to a person who believes it. Some of these answers are mental abuse.
Why do people do this? Is it a lack of decency? Or do people just not have a life whatsoever?
I'd like to know.
I am going to say, that maybe not so much the lack of decency per say, but more like being able to put in there two cents so to speak without immediate backlash. You know like when a group of people are having a conversation and everyone is contributing and out left field someone says something that just does not go and there is that weird moment. Here there is no worry of that and yes people are that sad and just sit around and talk a lot about everything they know nothing about, because who is going to tell them different. Then again I may be doing the same thing right now and a pro in psychology will say I don't know what I'm talking about and give an scientific answer to what you asked and then I'm what you just mentioned above! Who knows. Pitiful, right?!
To get the points.
its obvious the answer is five times a day.
We know what we're talking about. Trouble is, you don't know what we're talking about.
Some people just answer to answer, others do it for the points. There are quite a few who really do know what they are talking about.
I think it's because people like to just be dumb like that and give false information to screw with people. But at the same time people should keep in mind that most of what you read on the internet should be taken with a grain of salt until investigated further. Whenever I put an answer down I either know a little about what I am talking about first and head it up with advice to seek a professional for advice. Or I honestly don't answer it. Or I don't even put my own answer down I just say you really should talk to a professional. Some people just put down BS answers to get the points.
you have all ready answer your questions, I am verifying them

that is called abuse, they might report you
for having to much decency!
Just ignore those answers that are not qualified to the questions, and you will not be affected. But for me, i find this site very informative because i learned from them. Well, its your opinion i respect it, i don't want to argue, hope we will all do better...

Why do men suffer from substance abuse more than women?

Maybe depression. Men are much more likely to turn to substances to help relieve their symptoms whereas woman are more likely to seek professional help.
They marry women..
Beacause men find it hard to ask for help with there issues and try to deal with every thing on there own. Drugs are a way of escaping the reality of how hard life is with out having to let their emotions take over.
Who knows.
Men have weaker mental health than women. It's a proven fact. While men may be physically stronger, women have greater mental constitution and therefore men often turn to substances to allieviate mental stress issues. It's also true that women have less issues in asking for help and expressing their emotions and women often form their own support groups with each other while men do not. This also is evidenced in risk assessment for suicide - men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women - being male is an immediate high risk group for suicide.
are you certain that's true? there are too many female substance abusers too. but in any event assuming it is true it might be due to the fact that traditionally men are considered the head of the household and the primary breadwinner and went they fail to meet their responsibilities they turn to substances for a temporary escape. that certainly is changing in society today but a generation ago that was definitely the case

Why do I want to sleep all the time, and after sleeping I feel like I haven't slept at all?

because your tired
are you depressed as depression can make you sleep a lot, also you can over sleep and this can make you more tired. there there is the fact that if your sleep is restless you will still be tired. other things can cause you to be tired a lot like lack of iron (anemia) and a bad diet. this list is endless with out knowing you or more detail I could not say for sure why you are always tired.
Might be due to your diet. If you aren't eating healthy this can be a big sign of that.
you may also have obstructive sleep apnea, you might want to find out about getting a sleep study done.
Yeah - you could look at a lacking diet, maybe you're on meds that are causing this, you might have a rotten bed that you're sleeping on, the list could go on.

But, more to the point is that you should look at your purpose in life and check out what's happening there. Someone who's run into a stop in their career will experience all types of upsets and one of those to suffer is actually sleep. Where you feel baulked and can't move forward or toward the goals you've set for yourself then that is a situation which will halt your life.

Getting that situation fixed or one similar to it will create amazing revitalising energy for you and not only will the sleep problem go - but your purposes will start being achieved.

Lastly, similar line - check out whether or not there is someone in your space giving you a hard time in life. Handle that situation and you'll more than likely revive your willingness to be alive again without any hassle toward sleeping.
It could be any number of things, including an iron deficiency. You should go to your doctor and get some blood tests; constant fatigue does need to be looked into. It could just be that you're stressed, or lacking a vitamin or mineral, or you could have an infection (any problems with your teeth? that can cause a knock on effect)

You might also want to get tested for glandular fever, if you're exhausted all the time.

Why do I wake up scared out of my sleep and see dark things?

I saw the ace of spades on my wall.
I saw a black spider on my pillow.
I seen black snakes.
All different nights. Not all in one night. I wake up this scares me then slowly they vanish.
If anyone can tell me please whats going on id be so happy.
Thank you.
The reason you see images when you first wake up, is because you are not fully awake and are seeing images from dreams. As you become more awake, they fade. The same thing also happens to me, especially if I've had a nightmare and awaken quickly. I've learned to not pay much attention to it.
You may be experiencing night terrors. Here's a website that may help you to see if this aplies to you.
you dont say your age,inthe 10-14 age group we see all sorts of things in the dark,with the help of our imagination,its quite normal,when you wake up turn on the light.
The ace of spades on the wall means you need to visit a casino soon. There is good luck in store for you there.

The black spider on your pillow is only making sure there are no other bugs around before you lay your head on the pillow.

The black snakes are just an illusion. You need to see a psychiatrist.
It sounds as if you you may be experiencing a form of night terrors. The best thing I would recommend is to go see your doctor for an evaluation. Here is a web site with a good explanation of night terrors and other sleep disorders: You are not crazy. Hang in There.

Why do I separate my self from other people ?

i`am a depressed guy;because of my family problems.When i go to school or any other place i never speak with anyone i just go and sit in a corner and just look at all the other kids.Some people tried speaking with me but as a result i reply back rudely or in a very unfriendly manner....But i really want to have some friends to socialize or so just share my feelings.WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS TO MY SELF THOUGH I DON`T WANT TO ? !
Please get some counselling.Even if it is just talking to a Pastor or someone you can trust.I know allot of people cannot afford the professional but try if you can. I think you have a wall in front of you and you get rude when they get too close to you.Being rude is pushing the people back. This will not cure itself overnight but one day at a time do something a little different.You will make many friends when you get the help you so need. God bless and best of luck. Don't even go there!
Well honey how old are you. Have you talked to your parents about this or do you hide it.
Talk to a teacher or a counselor.
seems you%26 my husband have alot in common.he said he was never liked in school%26 they teased him because he was different.dont let anyone tell you ur worthless,im a social worker%26 on the inital app. you have to ask this question? do u think ur worthless the way ur now%26 i aboslutely hate asking that question because, i feel nobody is worthless. god put u on earth for a reason.hang in there%26 think positive.

Why do I see myself in such a bad light?

I've 28 and only ever had one person who really showed me any interest, she means everything to me - but we can't be together. She has a bad past with some abuse which I can't stop thinking about - its makes me so upset to think she has been hurt in that way. I've not met anyone else ever that I want to get close to, I thought she would be someone who I could share my first real kiss with. She is something special, and means the world to me. I can't see there being anyone else - there wasn't before so why would there be anyone else now. Whats wrong with me why doesn't anyone else even look at me
Maybe you are judging yourself and others by a very high standard. We all try to be perfect, but none of us is.

Perhaps you really love your friend and need to accept what happened to her. Stop thinking about what happened to her and start thinking about how much she has dealt with and overcome. Then do the same with yourself.

When with people, always ask about their interests and maybe you will find you have a similar interest or one you might like to cultivate.

Good luck to you!

how do u approach ppl,hows ur attitude,personality,and character? look at those things and do u really try or are u the guy who sits there waiting for sum1 to tlk to u
You sound like a generally good person. Don't be so hard on yourself. Life can at times deal you a bad hand and there is really nothign you can do about it but wait and see what tomorrow brings. I have felt exactly like you at times and there really is no eeasy answer. Just hang in there and be patient. Time will tell and you deserve the best. If you truly mean well then things will work out for you when they are supposed to. Have you taked to her about how you feel. Her past is just that her past. We all have one and some are more haunting than others. But it is the past and the future is a mystery. Enjoy the now as it is a gift. that is why they call it the present.
u r what u think u r. u can't be together with her because of her past? i personally think that if we really love someone, then we have to accept everything about that person. no one is perfect. by knowing the weakness of our partner, we can work together to compensate the weakness. living together is more about tolerance. plus, always appreciate the people arounds u as u will regret when they're not by your sides anymore.
You have to find within yourself what you have to offer to the world. Know that it is not the same for everyone. Find your strengths and use them. We are like walking resumes. You seem like a nice and loving person. Sure you have something to offer--kindness, compassion, friendship???Are there things you enjoy doing art, music, cooking, etc? Show the world what you are good at. Display confidence, if you hang your head low and have no self esteem people will not notice you. So, bring out your good qualities everyone has some.
i think it is nice you care for someone so much, but you need to think, you dont want to waste your life waiting if she isn't interested. does she like you that way? If not, well your gonna have to try and move on, i know it will be hard, but try and be strong. As for her abuse, well thats sad to hear, i know what that is like, to be violated, i've been through that and it's hard sometimes. Cause of her past i would say tread lightly, give her some space. and as for you saying that there is no one else, well try thinking more posative, try telling yourself "you are a great person" i'm sure there are alot of girls out there that would like you, you just gotta show more confidence, let them know your there.
well i have no idea if this helps, but hope it does.

if you do find yourself feeling down, need someone to talk to, message me, likewise with anyone else who reads this, i'm always happy to listen and give some advice :)

Why do i resgister amber on breatherlysers permanantly?

i am not an alcoholic. and was advised it may be dangerous but have had difficulty researching why.
Do you drink regularly enough that there's always alcohol in your system? Obviously that would do it, even if you don't consider yourself an acoholic.

But assuming that's not the case, you should see a doctor about it. It may be as simple as you're using mouthwash that has alcohol in it not long before taking the test, but it could also be a sign of a metabolic disorder that's essentially causing your body to produce alcohol. You can't determine the cause by doing research on the Internet. It requires blood tests to confirm what's going on, and some potential causes could be serious without proper treatment, so you should see your doctor about it.
I've heard of something like that before. Someone had something weird going off in their stomach where sugar was fermenting. Can't really remember, but I think they had problems proving it.
how often do you use lysterine (sp?) or other alcohol based mouth washes? it could be something as simple as that.

also if you do use mouth washes regularly then you could be possibly stripping your mouth of some important anti-bacterials which may leave you open to oral infections. its only an idea but hey i suppose we'll only find out in 15-20 years time when people are ging down with throat or mouth cancers that are liked to this stuff (hypothetically of course)
Maybe a medicine, there was an aircraft pilot grounded the other day because he showed as having drunk on the test but he was as clean as a whistle after the blood test, by the way orange does not mean you are an alcoholic but it could mean you had a drink the night before
The amber isn't a problem, live with it.
I dnt no but i heard that Happens to Some Diabetics, Maybe im Wronge now but thats What i heard, n My Niece has Diabeties, N shes only eight n Sometimes we get a smell of Alcohol From her, Maybe Its nothing Now.

Why do I obsess over villains and criminals?

I think villains and criminals as long as they are white and upper class are so hot! Why do I obsess over them and at times, wish people thought of them when they see me? I want to act like them etc. Why is this? It is only the upper class white criminals that I do this with.
Maybe you are attracted to the "bad boys" and want to be like them because it is not the kind of person you are. They have nerve, money and generally power and that is something most girls love in men. Not to be married to, but to think about.
cuz u like the bad boys
What?... Restate your question, it makes little sense.

Why do I laugh when something is sad?

For instance, if someone says that somebody else's grandma has died, my first response is to laugh. Or else, the other day my teacher was getting really emotional about how much teaching meant to him, and he started crying and I couldn't hold in the laughter. I'm 22 years old, and feel as if I am mature.
sometimes a person can hold in emotions and they don't want to cry so they laugh instead which is usually taken wrong unless someone knows you. when i get really frusterated i will giggle and i can't help it and i don't know why i do it and it makes me more frusterated and i also use humour to cover what i really feel a lot. it is not am immature thing it is an emotional thing that you are trying to deal with and it is hard because now it is probably a habit. have you been taught not to cry? that might have something to do with it. maybe try biting your tongue that sometimes helps when you don't want to laugh. that is just your way and just try to explain that to people that you are not doing it on pupose but that it is a habit and you do feel for them. hope this helps
you're what they call a psychopath
Oh Snap!! Well, What Did Y'all Do To The Teacher That Made Him Bug Out Like That?? I Remember When I Was In High School, One Of Us Threw A Penny At The Teacher While She Was Writing On The Board And She Just Bugged Out And The Whole Class Was Just Laughing. She Wasn't Even A Sub Or Anything. But That's Just Kids Been Kids, You Know?? But You 22, I Don't Know Man, You're On Your Own. You Think It's Just Your Sense Of Humor, Cuz I Got A Pretty Big One, My Self!!
Because your only choices are to either laugh or cry, but try to be more sensitive of others feelings, they may take it the wrong way.
tssk tssk tssk..

too bad..
maybe you are thinking of something..
Some people have a very hard time expressing their emotions and/or were even taught not to when they were young. Most comedians suffer from depression or have at some time in their lives or have abusive backgrounds. I definitely don't believe it is not because you do not feel for that person you just may have a very hard time expressing sadness. Perhaps you could talk to a therapist and see if there are underlying reasons.
It's alright; you're not crazy. I would think that when a dire situation is presneted before you, you're not sure what to feel about it so you laugh; sort of like a nervous laugh to get the feeling out or some kind of feeling out; to relieve yourself. This doesn't mean you don't care, it just means you have a different way of letting things out. It could also be a phase that you're in at the moment where everything that's serious to tothers isn't to you, bu be careful. Ther emight be a point where you won't be lauhging anymore so watch out for that moment.
The good news is, your body and mind go through a lot less stress than almost everybody else, but there is a bad side to this. The reason this happens is you are insecure with your emotions, and your way of dealing with a situation is to blow it off like it's less of a problem than it is. Somewhere in your upbringing you lost the ability to deal with tough situations, and especially the ability to empathize with others. It may have been education like "Real men don't cry" or "people who get sad are weak".

This isn't a wrong view on life, or anything. It's just different. Like I said, you have a specific advantage over most people. But in the long term, you will have many problems with relationships, especially when people need you the most. They will find when they turn to you for help, you are unable to. And this is the definition of what true friendship, and love, is. So you can see the problems there.

You're probably the type that when something happens (like a breakup) you easily walk away and just put it all out of your mind, and move on. That's the same self-preservation act as laughing at something that is sad.

If you want to save your future relationships, try to work on your emotional problem. If you'd rather not, then don't. It doesn't matter, people will learn not to rely on you.

Why do I keep thinking I'm going to die soon?

I have gotten into the habit of having morbid thoughts. I've just about convinced myself that I'm going to die very soon. I'm not having health problems and my doctor tells me I'm fine so there's no concrete reason I should be obsessing about death.

So, why do I keep thinking that death is near? It's not pleasant to feel this think every night before I go to sleep that I'm not going to wake up again.
if you think it enough, it will come true
instead of obsessing about death think about life, and get out and live the feelings should go away.
You probably have an anxiety disorder. I went through that too before I went on antidepressants. I would lay in bed at night and pray that I would wake up in the morning, but just in case I prayed that all my sins were forgiven and made sure my heart was right before I went to sleep. I always woke up. I am taking Effexor 150 mg. Lexapro %26 Paxil work well w/ anxiety also. I don't want to be on meds, however, it has given me my life back. I don't worry about illness %26 dying anymore. You can take some natural things to calm you like valarian, kava, passion flower, 5 htp, gaba to name a few. Here is an excellent link explaining all of the different anxiety disorders. I think it will help you. You need to address this issue.
I agree with Dawn M. It sounds like anxiety. My thoughts were of constant doom and when I was away from family I feared I would never see them again. However, drugs did not work for me they just made me worse. They may work for you but make sure you tell this to a qualified therapist. You are not crazy because you see a therapist. You are crazy if you know you have a problem and think you can solve it without therapy!

Why do i keep pushing people away?

I have been getting really bad this last year, im only 24 and have pushed almost everyone i loved away. I was diagnosed with depression a year ago and they all know this, but its like they still don't get me and i get mad. The only one who i really talk to anymore is my boyfriend and i am leaving soon. Im really scared here, im gonna end up a lonley old lady if i dont knock this off.
You probably push people away because if they are distant to you, they can't hurt or upset you.
It is common with depression...really push yourself to not exclude yourself. Remind others around you to not let you do that.
I think it is possible you have abandonment issues.You don't want to let anyone get close to you because you fear they will leave you for some reason or another.It is hard to get over in fact I don't think you ever will be able to just "Get over" this affliction You just have to try and go against it.Even if it feels really uncomfortable try just faking it.That might work.
You need to see a mental health professional. We are miles away from you. You need face time with a pro. It might be depresion, but it might also be something else. Good Luck. You'll be OK
Do what you've been doing

Why do I keep having this irrational fear & paranoia about snakes?

My twin sister recently told me about how a snake was at her doorstep. Even though we live in different states, I have trouble sleeping @ night because of fear that a snake will sneak in my apartment %26 sneak through the pipes through the toilet or drains or something %26 come out %26 squeeze me.

When I was younger, I was attacked by my brother's pet snake. I'ms so scared! What should I do? This is interfering with my daily life, %26 I don't want to waste energy %26 money by keeping the lights on all night. How can I overcome this?
keep a rat around... it will eat that before you....feed that snake..keep some food around for it...**NOW SLEEP TIGHT...**
hmm may be you have had some bad experience or some kind of negative imprint when you were a child and not remembering it. But also Bible says in the Genesis Snake was the one made woman eat the fruit of knowledge, therefore it is normal to be afraid of snake. It is just a funny story, but something to thin about there..?
Well, if it is a serious problem that is preventing you from living a normal life, maybe see a professional.

If you think you can deal with it on your own, try this.

Go to a zoo. Walk right up to the snakepit or where ever they keep the snakes.

See how they can't hurt you. Maybe even watch them for a while to see their behavior. If you think you could handle that, I'd give it a shot.

And depending on where you live, you might not even have any poisonous snakes in the area. Any time you're scared, just remember that the chances of a snake biting you and attacking you is almost none.
wow I'm so sorry to hear that. check out something called DMR therapy of some sort. I am currently taking psychology. My professor had mentioned it to the class before. It suppose to help you in many different ways. I'll find out more for you ok. I'm not even sure if that is the correct name it could be tmr i'm not sure but i will ask her tomorrow when i have my midterm ugh.
I think you have developed a phobia for snakes. You need to seek help from a mental health professional like a psychologist or psychotherapist-especially since it interferes with your daily life. I've never been to one, but I think you should also ask them beforehand if they provide treatment for phobias and if they have ever dealt with phobics before.
Does not sound irrational to me!! You have had lots of sneaky snake encounters. I don't think that a snake can get in your pipes. BUT, I know that mothballs repel snakes. Scatter them around your apartment.
you or your sister does not know whats going to happen when you go near a snake

Why do i keep having sudden urges...?

to pick my nose and scratch my butt at the same time to see what it feels like.. I always feel like i need to at 2:41 a.m. so it wakes me up.. i think i have a mental disorder with thinking it will help me sleep better.. i'm not sure if i need to go see a doctor or if it will pass.. but.. picking my nose and scratching my butt is so exhilarating.. please help me with my problem!!
try ur very best to stop if u cant then just dont do it in public.
this might be a kind of obsession. Try to stop it or see a psychiatrist
Wow. me too!
Yes you definitely have a mental disorder but I don't think a doctor could help you with your little problem honey. Maybe when you grow up this "urge" will subside!

Why do i keep getting a terrible feeeling of fear?

Hi there I have been to a psychiatrist and they say I dont have a mental llness. I am on chlorpromazine and cipramil but they dont seem to help. But all the time I seem to be scared of everything including myself. I fear my own existence. I am on nervous disability. I just wish someone could take this fear away please as its ruining my life. Doe anyone have any ideas about what I could do. I would really apprciate it. Also I have tried relaxation therapy but nothing takes this fear away. Please help
First you need to find a new doctor ! What you are feeling of course is not normal. And if you are taking such meds. they had to be prescribed for a reason. If they are not helping there are a million other meds. out there for what you are describing and therapy would need to be included. So please seek help from another doctor.
Don't be frightened of fear. It will be alright. How old are you? Find something like a hobby to take you rmind from the fear. Forgive yourself. I am sure you are a good person. People who are sensitive to fear are good people. it means you care what happens next. Use the fear to strengthen yourself. Turn off the TV. Dont listen to the news. It is giving us all anxiety.
I can, from experience, reccomend one sure-fire cure for irrational fears.

Challenge them, face them, survive them.

Each time you do something that terrifies you and you come through the other side unscathed, the fear loses some of its power, and you gain confidence and strength.
you need philosophy and feel the essence of living.. Try yoga or namaz (in Islam).
you might be a paranoid person. you might even have PTSD. has anything tragic or scary happened in your life?
If you really had a medical problem, you would not have been able to type out you question so elaborately and nicely. I think you need to get into some 'work mode' rather than relaxing mode. Sometimes, when you have some hidden worries, anxieties, problems or backlogs or something pending, then your subconscious mind has a way to tell you this either by your gut feeling or dreams. My suggestion is to try and meditate in silence, give attention to each of your thoughts one by one and completely, and maybe then you will know what is troubling you. May peace be with you.
Anexity! Change your diet to no caffine! Limit chocolate!Sorry you feel the way you do. Have you tried Zen - meditaion, it is not the same as relxing it is more mind control and gives you a different view point, you will look at the world and others in a way you have never before. Hope this helps check it out! very neat stuff!

Here is a link you can check out but this is only a sample learn more about it and you will be a different person!
If your medication doesnt seem to be doing the job then I would go see about trying a new one. This world can be a scary place with all the things going on but maybe stop and think about your eating habits. Too much soda pop and junk food? There IS a lot of additives in food and drinks that can cause strange symptoms in people and if you dont believe me then google " testimonials on aspartame" and read about all the symptoms people have experienced with diet soda. Im a firm believer in food additives causing things to go haywire in our bodies since it DID happen to me. I had a physical reaction to diet soda and though I cant prove it I felt depressed after chewing gum with an artificial sweetener in it for a couple of weeks. After I stopped chewing it my moods returned to normal. So you decide. It is only my opinion that it could be certain foods or drinks in your diet. Good luck!
The relaxation therapy didn't help because this fear isnt calling for relaxation. It's calling for ACTION! So get yourself on track! Get Working!! Get Moving!Be determined and focused. Your a good person. You need to snap out of that gloom and just go for it! Whatever goal your trying to reach. Reach it! Speak up! Do what it takes. Learn a trade. Take a class. Ask questions you need to know. Share ideas. And color your world. Keep living and loving.
Hello Knight. You might want to get a second and third opinion from other doctors until you find a solution.

I personally like the book, "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel. It goes step by step to teach you to work on your thoughts. It's not situations, necessarily, that are scaring you - it's your thoughts about them. Learn to control your thoughts and the fears leave.

Yoga, meditation, relaxation CD's that you listen to regularly (every day) like Anxiety Relief (Sounds True makes it), exercise, cutting out sugar...these ideas have helped a lot of people.

There are other medicines you can try. Anti-depressants work for some people, Valium or Xanex works for others, others benefit from beta blockers like propranalol.

Don't give up - there are a lot of things to try that have helped millions of others with the same issues. You just need to find the right combination of things to do to help you feel better.
Root source of "fear hath torment" is notably "the law".
Source of feel "wretched" is "another law": Romans 7.

POINT: Law = Dis-order, Dis-ease, Dis-comfort, Dis-able
His "Grace" is neither of two "Law"s in Matthew 22: 36-40.

Wake up %26 Smell the Pew of Law %26 Odor: Smell of Death.

All Pharmaceuticals have many Horeb-bull "Side" Effects.
Both Law vs Law %26 Law vs Grace are divisional sides wars.
Above "divisions": God in heaven: "higher than the heavens".

Natural Cure: Flax seed oil capsules: no side effects at all.
(but if on any meds, then wean while wean on for 21 days)
Spiritual Cure: flush law as "dung" for "grace is sufficient".

POINT: if it's crap, flush it and also make a clean wipe;
For a little leaven leaveneth the whole, incl'dg the head.

Seek and ye shall find: freedom from "fear hath torment".

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
wow them drugs really got you messed up try getting off such a strong drug and mayybe you want feel like that
Firstable you should make yourself think what exactly are you afraid of, next (if that are some actions you're afraid of) you need to step over your fear(fight it) and do exactly those things you're afraid of after that you'll see there's nothing that scary actually , if you have some kind paranoid fear then also think about definite things you're afraid of and then think what do these things can do to you, is it really that dangerous at all (you need to think logically, at least try to think logically (I know if you're afraid of something it's very difficult, but..) and I would suggest you to find psychologist maybe not psychiatrist..

Why do i keep changing?

Why is it that i contantly keep changing the way i think.
like when i think someone likes me a few hours later i think they hate me.but i havent seen her at all since.
or if i get in a fight and i think the person is a total idiot for fighting me.but then i feel they had a right for hitting me.
als, i have tourettes. and sometimes i cannot stop pulling a face or something and then the next minute i cannot help but to forget i even had tourettes and i feel fine.
so... why do i change?
does anyone else change?
is there a cure?
I think this is being answered a bit over the top by some people.With your tourrettes your emotions can be quite volatile at times depending on your mood you can be more sensitive to other people than most with regard to their behaviour, i also belive that we all constantly change the way we think about things as we try and analys our decisions sometimes we make mistakes and that"s when we say to ourselves oh i wish i had done that instead or i wish i hadnt said that , its not unusual to change your thoughts at all, as for you thinking about people not liking you well you just need to be a bit more confident within yourself, belive in yourself and stop analysing what people say to you. im sure your a lovely person so stop worrying and just be happy and accept youself for being who you are. love and best wishes from a mommy xxxx
Yes there is a cure. Its called mental help.
Your overthinking things my friend. Don't let your mind run entirely free like that. Take control and while this may always happen some, you can lessen it. Read books. They cause you to have better focus and concentration. This will help you control your minds free flights of fancy. Start now taking control. The sooner you do the easier it will be. My experience is meds docs put you on for this only worsen the situation, but each individual is different. No drugs for me though.
Bipolar deffinately.. i hav the same problem but am psychotic though with bit of bipolar.. schizo affective and schizo typal.. you feel all the confidence in the world in a second it all goes away u feel worthless and its like ur outside ur body lookin at urself judging every move ur makin. if ur mood keeps changing then ur bipolar.. bbut ur mind keeps changing then ur psychotic (schizophrenic) (split minds) (or the way u think always changes) for ex: u judgement towards things.. ur feelings about sum1 u know wut am sayinn...

Why do I have these constant headaches ?

Generally I am always tired and have a lot of headaches.
What could be the cause of the problem and what can I do to help stop the problem ?
Hey, alot of headaches are nerve related, if you have a constant headache it could simply be because of a "trapped" nerve in your neck or back. The best advice I could give you is to see a chiropractor immeadiatly as it is likely that they would remove the interference in your neck and therefore stop the headaches. If the headaches are nerve related, medication will only remove the pain of the headaches but not solve the problem and the headaches could eventually get worse. All the best..
Migraines. or possible the Devil has entered ur mind and is battling to take over it. There are two ways to help this:
1) MRI scan on brain tissues to check for unusual growths etc
2) Dip pages from the bible in petrol and wrap them round ur head while praying to allah.
They could be stress/tension headaches or eye strain, but it would be best to see your GP for the correct diagnosis
if you are female then it could well be hormonal cluster headaches like i get. i started taking evening primrose oil and they all but disappeared. if you are a guy, then who knows? try tension headeache relief like syndol and chill
this happens to me occasionally, there are so many different reasons why this could be happenning, usually mine go away if i drink 2 or three glasses of water..
More than likely eye strain like the previous poster mentioned, which can be due to focusing on bright objects (e.g TVs or PCs at night) in poorly lit rooms and a general lack of sleep. Try to adjust the brightness of your PC monitor if there is little light in your room so its dimmer, or when watching television late at night keep a few lights on, normally around the television area. Of course, an optician will be able to say for sure.

On the other hand it might just be migraines. You might want to see your GP about advice if you find Paracetamols or Aspirin don't work.
Could be 1 of a few reasons-

Sinuses - have you had a broken nose (septum collapse) or bad sinuses? Do you have a stuffed up nose
Eyesight - get your eyes tested.
Migranes/stress headaches
Could be the sun - this causes me to have headaches )i wear sunglasses when i can, outside)
Sometimes can be a cause of hunger ( i have noticed this and when i eat and drink it seems to get better)

All the above cause tiredness also - Go to doc and tell him symptoms.. he can prob tell if you tell him where exactly is the headache ocurring (which part of your head)

I was going to say could be time of the month, but i think your male, so thats out!! lol

Nothing worse than a headache..... but hey you know what they say cures a headache???? lol

Hope you find out what the cause is and cure it soon.
Eye test may be in order?? Wear tinted glasses when on your P.C. may help?? Stress will give you headaches, are you Stressing Moose??

Why do I hate myself for going to sleep?

Like, say its 10:30-11, and i am tired. so i say, ok, ill go 2 bed. But then this rebellious feeling just springs up inside of me and its like NO I WONT go to sleep. and my rational side argues with my meen side, and i end up staying up later. There's just something so unnatractive about lying there fr an hour waiting fr sleep.
I don't know why you hate yourself for going to sleep, it is hardly rebellious to delay sleeping because the only person you are hurting is yourself. We need to sleep and rest to maintain a healthy body and mind. Try listening to relaxing music, have a warm shower, put on your comfy PJ's and enjoy some rest time.
sleep is a natural phenomenon to keeps us healthy,sleep refusal is more common in childhood years,and it subsides by time,you should really get to know why?was there a trauma regarding sleep behaviour in your childhood?sometimes parents are a bit of strict regarding sleep patterns of their children.

dr solo
If it takes you that long to fall asleep then you have a problem. You should see your doctor about some meds or something. Also it helps if you have a set sleep schedule, that way your body knows when it should be tired, and will be tired at that time.

Good Luck.

Why do I get so depressed when I am having a panic attack and why do I start shaking?

When I am having a panic attack I get so scared and shaky and very depressed. Today I just started taking prozac and I am supposed to take xanax whenever I am having a panic attack but I am scared to take them. I dont want to get addicted to them. When I do take them I only take half a pill. Will the xanax react badly with the prozac and how can I calm down and relax?
You panic because your brain is saying RUN AWAY! This what we use to do when we lived in caves. Now we just stand or sit and put up with it.

Get The Step and put it by your bed. Before you go to bed, do 5-15 minutes. When you wake up, 5-15 minutes. This will greatly lower your panic attacks and stress, and make you feel a LOT better.
your blood sugar drops too low try sweets when you have the shakes after try protein cheese peanutbutter etc.
breathing exercises are helpfull also try going out for walks that sometimes helps
See your physician asap and have him answer all you questions, this is not the forum to get them answered!
they aren't any more addicting then the Prozac (which isn't)
you can get calmed and relaxed when you take your medicine as directed by the Dr when you have panic attacks=good luck and don't be afraid
Maybe look at what you are eating as well. When I was drinking diet coke I used to get panic attacks. Once I stopped drinking the pop the panic attacks went away. Then I read where asparatame can cause a lot of health problems.
It's normal to get that way when you are having a panic attack. That's basically what a panic attack is. I don't think you will get addicted if you don't have too many panic attacks. If your doctor prescribed the two to you, I doubt he'd do so if he knew that the two together can harm you. I personally don't know. Call your doctor or pharmasist. To help with the panic attacks, when you first start feeling an attack coming on, hold your breath. I know it will feel like you are killing yourself, but it will help. Good luck! ;)
If your doctor has given you the two tablets to take, then trust him that they will not react badly together. I take Aropac and Xanor. Panic attacks are very scary and when I use to have them bad, I use to pass right out. Rather take the meds as prescribed and remember you will outgrow the panics. I had them for 12 years and am still on meds but panic free. Its a chemical imbalance and there are a lot of people out there suffering from them. Breath deeply into a brown paper bag until you calm down. Good luck.

Why do i get realy angry over simple stuff?

when i get mad i overdose cut punch walls cuss out people kill
animals outside or cry until i feel better whats wrong with me?
how can i calm down
Trust me--you DON'T feel better--what you're feeling is a temporary release of your anger. You need to talk to a therapist or get into a good anger management class before you end up in jail. You're lucky you've overdosed before and survived, the next time could be your last, whether you mean it as a threat or not. I'm going to assume the cutting is on the arms that you usually hide with long sleeves. What are you going to do if the knife/razor slips and you cut a major artery? Believe me, that's a major wake-up call but it might not give you enough time to get help.

I never punched walls, but I put my fist through more than one glass door. The only thing that happened was a trip to the ER and ugly scars and lots of questions as to why I did it (suicide? lashing out?). Being a guy you're more lucky to get punched out if your cussing becomes too creative with the wrong person. Killing animals should be the biggest red flag for you that something is drastically wrong. People who kill animals can and do go on to kill other people--usually small children because they don't fight back as hard and are easier to subdue. Stop this before you regret something for the rest of your life.

Crying is the one good release you're exhibiting. You're getting remorse or guilt or just the dregs of your anger out of your system. That's great you allow yourself to cry.

You can't calm down until you know the reasons you get so angry. What are your triggers? Seriously, see a mental health professional ASAP. Check your phone book to see what clinics or free services are available. Call a hotline if you need to. Check with your doctor and tell him/her what's going on and get names of psychologists or psychiatrists. Be aware you may not click with the first one or two, but keep trying. If this mood comes on again before you can get in to talk to someone, go to your ER and tell them what's happening. They can have someone from the Psych Dept. come up to talk to you and admit you for a day or two until you're stabilized. You may be put on a medication to help you stay calm.

Please, for your sake and those who love you (and are probably living in fear) get help as soon as you can.

Best of luck. I don't pray often, but I will say some prays that you find peace.
Spoiled maybe?
See a psychologist or doctor, and if it's not a medical problem or chemical imbalance, then you're just spoiled.
You shouldn't worry about calming down, you need to focus on growing up, you whining little spoiled brat.
look, i hace a very simple solution for u, just try before making any reaction on anything to put ur self instead of the other guy's position, i.e (if i were u, what would i do)
I've got the same problem. Screaming, cutting, and crying are my choice of release. I have been checking out some anger management information on the Internet but it doesn't help. I think the only alternative we've got is to talk to a counselor or psychiatrist. good luck and try not to kill anyone until you get some help. I'll try too.

Why do I get major headachs, I can't even breathe && I cry all the time when I have them?

I been getting A LOT of headaches latly, it's been going on for all my life, they get so bad I can't breathe, they're everywhere on me, the little of things annoy me... everything bugs me I cry. why is this?
Migraine, panic attack, mild seizures. You need to go to a GP and have your symptoms checked, it could be very serious, it could be nothing. Better to be safe than sorry.
You麓ve got a migraine hun. Go to your doctor and get some drugs to help you out. So sorry! I know how you feel. I an麓t even open my eyes when I get one!!
It sounds like migraines. It's depressing to be in pain all the time, which partly explains the tears. Migraines can be controlled to an extent with the right medications. See a doctor.
I would suggest going to the doctor for a full physical. After that, I would suggest reviewing your sn and wondering if it plays a part in the scenario. Especially while growing up. If the physician finds nothing, next stop, therapist. You need to get to the root of the headaches. For health and safety and quality of life. Good Luck and Feel Better.
probably a migraine I get them too.. except I get sensitive to light, i get nausious, and fatigued. they make me get very irratable and sick physically. go to the doctor for meds that help. But check yourself out too because you never know if it is something else or worse.
go to the dotor!
those headaches need to be checked out by a medical dr. It could either be from depression, migrains, or to even food related allergies. You should not have to suffer so much great pain. Please seek out a professional.
my wife had the same problem
she had bad migraines
want to know how she cured them?
water 8 glasses a day
not drinking enough water causes
severe cerebral pain.
Maybe you eat too much sugar and hypoglycemia.
i used to have migraines. what helps is appling vicks to your forehead. also apply warm towel over forehead. lie down listen to smooth jazz. also try going to for help. also search national headaches foundation on your search engine
harden the f**k up
ok first of all have you ever had your eyes tested? The headaches could be a vision problem. We can also check your eyes high blood pressure which can be the root of your problem. See how it goes. As for crying all the time this could be the begining of bipolar.

Why do i get depressed so much?

I just wannabe happy. i have a loving finacee', a nice house and a loving family but why do i feel like the world is against me? Why cant i just be happy for once? I take medicine thats supposed to make me better but nothings working.
I get the same problem. Ive been like it for years. everyone will tell you to try this or try that, but at the end of the day, you know what works...I find moving house gives me a happy buzz that lasts for a while. I know what you mean about the medication aswell, keep looking for one that really works for you. Have you tried mood stabilisers?
Mood swings!!
Seriously, you need to talk to your family about this, not Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE gets depressed. So, don't feel like an island or a loner. You need to find the triggers to your depression and change your habits to eliminate those triggers. Some things you can't change, like the seasons. Men and Women all get depressed, at different times of the year. Big difference between people who suffer from depression is that some people can't recognize it, and some refuse to accept and deal with it. You have recognized it, which puts you a leg up on most of society. Good luck
Most medicatons can have an opposite effect on someone if they have a certain problem and are given the wrong medication to fix it. For example (bipolar+prozac=one depressed person) Your best solution is to see a psycholgist not a family doctor, be as honest as humanly possible, and they could probably find a better solution for you if the one your trying isn't working.
Jenna, everyone wants to be happy.. few ever are.. Maybe you just put to much stress on Happy.. Try going with the flow a little and looking around you and seeing the things in life that would be so bad for someone close to you, if you weren't there.. It could be chemical in your system or something that you eat that brings on these symptoms.. I hope you ask your doctor..

Hang in there chicka.. you'll be ok..
You eat too much sugar, white flour, desserts, ice cream, simple carbs, caffeine. You skip breakfast all the time. You "diet" or avoid eating.
probly cause you're not doing something fulfilling.

having an "ideal life" or whatever won't make you happy.

Why do I find this video so funny?

I love animals but this video of a mouse being killed in a mousetrap just made me ROTFL. What do you feel, am I mental to enjoy it?
I also found it incredibly funny. Especially the way it was rolling around when it got it's head caught. Probably funny because of the music in the background too ^^ might be somewhat mental, but then again, that would make me mental, i found it somewhat funny
Nah, its only a mouse.

You can see in the video the mess they were making, the nasty little critters!!
You are one sicko.
cuz your a heartless person that likes to watch things smaller and weaker than you be killed!
don't be too hard on yourself.

however you would be mental if u tortured animals
The early bird might get the worm...but its always the SECOND mouse that gets the cheese.!
i think you are a bit w3ird and mental, coz yr a bit violent w3irdo!!
you're sick thats why.
you know, people who find cruelty to animals facinating (or in your case funny) are more likely to become serial killer in the future, as are people who torture animals.
Good luck with that
Well mice are pests but to be fair that video is sick!!

Why do i felel angry and mad all the time?

i think of my self as a weird personm also my boyfriend says the samething i am a very quiet person im not a conversationalist i feel kinda embarased i dont talk much and i dont make many friends b/c of my ways. i sometimes can be so happy and then out of nowhere i feel mad, angry i get an attitude. i live around very joyes pple that always happy and having fun
i never have fun anywhere i go i need to be more joyful more spontanius i dont know how though why do i feel like this what can i do to enjoy life more and have fun make myself more talkative i need energy i need something that will help me live happy,
please let me know what i can do
I can relate... I know for me one thing that made a change in my energy was I started eating fruits and veggies and eggs more and I felt better so I was naturally more willing to do things and be more bouncy..
But I was still cynical and angry and Ive found it took me about 6 months of everyday just choosing and pounding over and over that I wanted to change my attitude and be happy and I would enjoy life! Trust me, depression runs in my family and Im about the only one who isn't on something and over came.

Look at our world, its crap, the whole thing is depressing, but its all in your outlook or EVERYONE would be on anti-depressants. Most Dr.s just try antidepressants at random until something works.

I know sounds like Tom Cruise hippy crap...
Mabey your bi-polar or depressed that kinda happens to me but im not bi-polar or depressed just a little stressed over school
sounds like depression to me. You need to talk to a therapist or a doctor about it. Trust me, antidepressant medication is not the end of the world like people think, and it really does help for those people who need it.
Firstly do you premeditate alot, that is do you find your self imagining events that haven't happened and find yourself all of a sudden angry and easily irritated.
Secondly you say you are quiet a lot, how do you deal with issues, do you confront them and get them out of the way or do you pretend that your are fine when you really aren't( a healthy confrontaion is that which is not out of vexation but out of a calmness).
I dont mean to answer a question with a question but sometimes the answer lies in how you respond to the questions. A quick answer would be,
you dont need to be talkative to enjoy life, most times people talk excessively out of insecurity.
you dont need a drug or an elixr to give you a boost of energy.
What you do need is a healthy thought pattern, how do you process the thoughts that come to you.
Anger is a natural emotion but when it comes for no reason and steals your joy, thats when you need to be careful. Next time your are angry, geer your actions in opposite direction. If you are angry at some one for no reason, give them a call ask how their day is(and mean it), try( you 've got to) to care about others other than our self. and I dont mean charity, I mean a warm hello, a nice comment and giving up of your time for someone else. sometimes when we take off our eyes of our selves and look to others and how we could make their day more joyous, it'll do the medicine. I'm a believer in Christ Jesus and this may be internet suicide for professing my faith to you but it's worth it because I was a very angry person and sometimes the emotion props up but I deal with it and how
I realise that I have a choice not to be angry or easily irritated. I overlook the mistakes of others, I desist from premeditating what will happen and I allow the Peace of God ( thats His promise to all who believe in Him) to fill my heart and mind. And I put my Trust in Him to work things out for me. Here's a book I'd like to reccommend to you 'Be angry but don't blow it' by Lisa Bevere( she was a very angry person and so was my sister but their transformation in just believing God and letting go of all hurt and pain and letting Him heal them pushes me even further to Trust in Him and let go) at or google her or at any christian bookstore. True peace comes at a price. I hope you see it the way I have seen it. Have more peaceful days.
Talk to your doctor. Anger and agitation are a sign of depression. Also, the rapid change in mood may be a sign of a chemical imbalance in your system and fatigue is also a sign of depression. Go to any website on Depression..Signs and Symptoms and I bet you will see yourself over and over. Antidepressants can be helpful as well as talking to a counsellor or psychiatrist. I have worked in psychiatry for 20+ years and have seen this problem more times than I can remember. BE ABSOLUTELY TRUTHFUL WITH YOUR G.P. He/she will have your best interest at heart, and don't despair, one in four people feel depression at some point in their life and often it can be treated within four to six weeks.
if you were single you would only have depression without the anger. Look at what makes depression chemicals in the brain fluid and start from there to make changes.

Why do i feel ugly and fat?

im 15 and 111lbs short 5'0, so 111lbs is a lot for me %26 its all in my thighs.. i hate how i make myself out to be this insecure teenager whos unhappy with her image but i cant help it =/ all my life ive been told i was pretty %26 ive took it %26 shined with it.. now if you tell me im pretty i smile %26 just think you're saying it to make me feel better because i do the same thing to people %26 lie -

ex: one of my friends is heavy %26 shes always like "omg im so fat!", "do i look fat today?" etc.. %26 EVERYONE tells her "shutup your so skinny" or "your retarted your not fat!" .. then behind her back everyones like "nooffence but _____ needs to loose weight %26 go on a diet"

its like i watch everyone -including myself- tell her shes not fat when she really is.. and think of it the same way towards myself. when people tell me im pretty/not fat i assume their lying to me because i see it being done

i know that no guy likes an insecure girl what can i do?
Most people your age are insecure about themselves, from the not so good looking to the gorgeous. The criticisms and critiquing that occur in high school are hard to get through. I"m 23 and still feel "not so attractive". But I have to remind myself that I am, and that I have so much to offer. Look in the mirror and tell yourself all the wonderful things about you. (Ok, so it might sound a little corny, but seriously, try it!) Then remind yourself of all the wonderful people you have around you, and what you mean to them, and they to you. Don't let your peers rule your emotions. In three years you'll all move on and you'll forget all about the people you're surrounded by now. Live your life for you and love yourself for who you are and not who others say you are!!
I'm 70 pounds
The media makes you feel that way. Stop reading magazines for women, those are MADE to make you feel worse about yourself so they can sell you stuff.
everyones beautifull in there own way! remember that
geez you are so messed up!


no wonder the girl got mad at you!!

go play with your dolls! your not mature enough !

your a f u c k e d up anorexic! your anorexic if you think your fat!

have fun barfing dinner !
what a 10 year oldBABY YOU ARE!


excercise, eat healthy, and you can get your weight/appearence to where you feel comfortable. Don't listen to other people, it's up to you how you want to look/feel. If you want to lose/gain weight, go for it.
To be honest with you, since I can't see you, I don't know if you really are or not. I suggest using hypnotherapy to help. It can help change the way you think about yourself.

Look for a good hypnotherapist. You might also try buying a recording from

Look for recordings that deal with self image or the like.

Hope this helps.
Why do i feel ugly and fat? peer pressure -- media pressure -- all kinds of pressure to conform and fell like you're accepted -- not sure what you can do -- everybody will say be yourself -- but how? wouldn't be great if you could be happy with who you are ? like I said I don't know the answer ..Sorry -- maybe I can Google something on Body Image and Self Esteem -- brb -- -- guess what just started playing on my radio -- Glamorous -- weird Huh?
First off, you shouldn't want to make self improvements so a guy will like you, you should do it for the simple fact of feeling better about yourself. Second of all, it's a sad part of life that teenage girls are vicious! Being 5 or 10 pounds over weight does not necessarily mean anyone needs to go on a diet. At that age your body is going through so many changes, that gaining a few extra pounds could just be preparation for something else. If you're really worried about it, just cut out your sodas, drink plenty of water, and maybe take up jogging or something that will not only help you shave off a few pounds, but feel healthier in general. And just remember next time you talk about one of your friends behind their backs, how it feels, and if you suspect they could be lying, the friend you lie to probably knows as well.
1) Don't be insecure because of weight issues!
2) Stress will only sabotage any effort to lose weight.
3) Don't worry so much about whatever other people think (I know that's near impossible at your age), as much as how you feel.
4) If you really believe that you have fat them out.
5) Except yourself for the way you are always! That doesn't mean that you can't stand improvement, just that you understand that you are a work in progress :)
If you feel crappy about your weight (which you do not need to at all b cauz u are just fine) go for a 30 min walk every day u can and do not eat tons and tons of junk foods. That's all u need to do. This will make you healthy and keep it in your mind that you are healthy so you can stop feeling bad. Then get out there and do charity stuff (food shelter, nursing home, free babysitting, work for big brother big sisters). If you focus on helping others you will realize that as long as you are healthy what you weigh means nothing. If you are a good person you are beautiful, looks is not everything. Once you are in college you will see that :) Teen years are tough, but stay true to you and be a good person, you need to learn to love you for who you are- it will take years but focus on what people see is truely beautiful- the person inside. Your friends may tell white lies to your friend because they know that she is a beautiful person inside and they do not want to ever hurt her feelings. I am just over 5 feet and I am 110. I am pretty similar to you. I feel fat all the time, but it is just because of the media telling us gals to be skinny skinny (stupid) but I value who I am inside and remember that who I am is not just the little hottie in the mirror but what I do to help others and the world. That is where I get confidance from. And that's what guys see and find hot.
You are not even remotely fat. Not even close.

You are buying into the media's nonsense about weight. You are being constantly bombarded with images of grotesquely underweight waifs and being told they are attractive and normal. Nonsense.

Boys (and men) are not attracted to the ultra-skinny "I just vomited my breakfast because I want to lose two more pounds" anorexics. We (and there is science to back this up) are attracted to one thing in women above all else: curves.

Please, for pete's sake, stop worrying about your weight. You're fine. And understand that the anxiety you feel is common to ALL teenage girls. Even the knock outs who stop traffic just by walking down the street look at themsleves in the mirror and say "Oh, I'm so fat and ugly."

You are not fat OR ugly. You're fine. Just accept that. Be yourself. Give that some practice and your insecurity will melt away.

BTW, guys don't care if a girl is "insecure" as long as she is friendly and fun to be with.
I strongly recommend focusing on your good points. Everyone has both strengths and weaknesses and if you have a more rounded mental picture of yourself, this one aspect (weight) might worry you less. Include all your strengths, not just looks. Are you honest? Kind? Strong-minded? A hard worker? Good at music, kind to animals, a helper at home? Do you have pretty hair, an attractive speaking voice, are you good at a sport, or art? There is a lot more to a person than weight. I bet you don't choose people for friends based on their looks. Your friends don't choose you for that reason either. They like lots of things about you, and they don't expect you to be perfect, any more than you'd dump them if they weren't perfect.

Get a better perspective on what's valuable in people, and then live by that.

BTW, you might want to say that to, and about, your friend with the weight problem. Tell her (and your other friends when it comes up) that there's a lot that's great about her, and that you like her for lots of reasons. She knows she needs to lose weight, what she wants to hear from you is that you like her, whether or not she's heavy.
Oh cool you freakin suck you fat @ss. You need to puke and starve yourself and get freaking skinny like me! I'm 13 and weigh 60 d@mn pounds!
hey dont worry honey looks arent everything and thats the perfect size for a girl like you dont get depressed its ok just live life to the best and be happy that your alive its ok to feel that way sweetie but that doesnt always mean u sre what u think. HAVE A GREAT DAY!! and maybe you can go to a counselour if u dont want to feel insucure its ok to go there they can help im sorry if this doesnt help see ya

Why do I feel the way I do? should i get a second medical opinion?

Brief summary of life... had quite bad childhood (abused, alcoholic father, divorced parents at 6) raped,had bad relationship one after other,self harmed quite badly for many a year in many forms ( cutting, drinking,self abuse via eating disorders), survived a extremely abusive relationship.
Now, my lovely aughter has grown up married and has beautiful grandson. I now live with a kind caring loving man.
But now I cant get the feeling of wanting to cut and run away again. I cry all the time have lost my self esteem and am depressed. I went to a doctor yesterday he gave me Citalopram, am worried as I have been on various anti depressants before but not this one. The doctor ( not my usual one) answer to me telling I fight hard every day not to cut his response was " well you dont want to do that do you?". He didnt look in my file to see what tablets I had been on before or even knew that I was hospitalised a few years back for a long time. Should I see a second doctor ?or take th
You have had many traumatic events in your life and I truly believe that you haven't had the best treatment to cope with it all.

Unfortunately GP's vary immensely on how they view depression and mental distress, and in how they treat it. You don't seem to have seen a very understanding one when you went for help. I suggest you go back and see your regular GP if you believe he/she will be more understanding, or if not, try a different one.

You do need a GP so that they can refer you on to other services within the NHS, they might feel a CPN (community psychiatric nurse), counsellor or psychiatrist would be the best person for you..... ask them for a referral and ask why the think whoever they refer you to is best for you. You do have rights and should be kept informed of what treatment you are being offered.

Another source of support could be a local mental health charity, I'm sure there will be one close to you.

Try this link to find a Mind association in your area

they are easy to access, all you need to do is give them a ring, and they are informal but very knowledgeable and offer all kinds of help and support.

I have used my local Mind for many years and found it to be somewhere that is a safe haven, somewhere I can go for support, somewhere to get information and somewhere that doesn't judge.

With their help and support I have now learned to cope with my own depression and value myself again. Recovery is possible, but it is hard work and there will be relapses on the way, but it really is worth the effort.

Please get yourself the help and support that you need and deserve.

Things will improve, you have done the right thing by seeking help, so carry on the good work and go and find some other help to support you while you have the medical treatment - they work very well side by side.
Go back and see your normal doctor, speak to them and perhaps he will advice you better, phone this morning. Good luck.
Wouldnt hurt to get examined by a 2nd Doctor... they make mistakes too somtimes... and it would be a good idea to see if 2nd Doc agrees with the 1st Docs opinion before taking any meds. You know when there is something not right. You know your body more than anyone else when in doubt keep asking.
Go back to your own doctor, but also speak to your partner, can you tell him how you feel.

You are amazing to have come through what you have and still be a sane rational person, don't give in to your urges please, speak to someone and share your feelings if you can.

Good luck
yeah, you should see another doctor. in fact, citalopram (aka celexa) is one of the oldest drugs on the market and doesn't show much efficacy until you reach super high doses, which will increase your side effects too.

you need to go see a therapist which will help you get your sadness and anxiety through communication while supplementing it with medication. you're probably going through a little bit of ptsd also, which isn't easily taken care of with just a pill. go get some counseling so that you can see the family that you have and not the people who have hurt you in the past.
go see your doctor again
I am really bothered by this. After reading all of what you have written, my advice to you is to start with the medication to try to help yourself for right now. But, I really think you should quit seeing regular doctors and go to a psychaitrist. I think you would be far better off with someone who specializes in these types of things. Plus, you will have someone to talk to. I don't like how this doctor acted. Sounds like he doesn't much care for dealing with this type of problem and that is bad news for you. I would begin the medicine hoping that it helped out somewhat and really concentrate on finding a good, reliable doctor. Good luck! I wish you the best!
Hi i am so sorry to hear about your life. Doctors not all but most dont really care anymore, if i was you i would take the tablets i know someone on them and they seem to be ok. Also this person was cutting himself, i wont pretend i understand why but please seek more help there are website set up for self harm have a look and see or ring samaritans and they can get you in contact with someone to help you. You say you are with someone who is kind and caring to you, please relish this i know its hard, it seems when life is good you feel more upset i dont know but the past trauma you are used to and it hard to adjust to feeling safe and not living on your nerves. When you are feeling low just take a step back and look at what you have now and how things are so much better for you. I hope you can get through this but please please try very hard. I will be thinking of you, so take care and be positive.
go to your own gp who has your file ask for referal to clinic
No my dear - no point in trying to use medical services and interventions and medication alone to try and cure what is ostensibly a psychological problem - what you need is some form of counselling - get your Doctor to refer you to a psychologist. Given what you have informed us that you suffered long-term abuse, then it is highly likely you will need Long-term intervention to resolve those difficulties.

What is happening to you is that at the time you were being abused - the memories of that abuse you buried deep within your sub-conscious mind.
Now you are in a better relationship you are beginning to relax somewhat and so the memories you had previously are now beginning to impinge upon your conscious mind and hence your urge to self- abuse yourself. Please don't do that - seek better professional help. Never let anyone tell you you are not worthy - lift your chin up - hold your head high - and believe me when I say to you - you are as good as anyone and everyone else.
for the cutting you should see a therapist that specializes in that for the antidepressants if you don't feel comfortable taking them by the way your doctor treated you, well there i can't say as i blame you. some doctors can really not listen to their patients and their needs so i would deffinaly go see another doctor and see what they say. i'm not saying that you don't need antidepressants but i am saying that you do need therapy to get though the bad stuff that has happened to you and you need to see why you want to pick up and leave. the abuse and all is probably related to that. you could also have some post traumatic stress syndorme that you may need to work out. if you feel that you have a mental illness go see a psychiatrst and talk to them they have a better knowledge of your issues and they can help you alot more, however you have to watch them too because the wrong one may also not listen. there are some great ones out there and you will find one. hope this helps and keep on being strong like you know that you are
Sounds like you've had a rough ride, speak to your regular Doctor, I like you sometimes want to run and cut loose, you dont really want that.

stand tall, hold your head up, you can do it.

Take care of yourself.
So you have given us examples of reasons why you could/should be 'happier', and the question is, Why am I depressed, and how to stop it?
If you look back in time, for a promise you may have made to yourself, which most likely involved the belief in, or reliance on, other people, and the determination to never accept it/them as a form of 'happiness', you may discover when/where you wired up the self destruct mechanism, which lots of people have, in much less 'obvious' ways.
Then, this struggle between trying to appreciate life/family and unknowingly trying to destroy 'it' is the problem, resulting in depression. ( the form of the 'promise' i cannot guess, but this was only an example to show how self destruct mechanism is put in place)
Then you say ' I have the right to change my mind, for the better.' and it changes, because it's not divided against itself anymore.
Does it matter what anti depressants you take? Did any of them cure you, or do they just prolong the agony?
I have taken Citalopram before and remember it making me very jittery and uptight, but hey, that's okay, they then gave me tranquilizers, too...i also went for psychotherapy/counselling, on the nhs - he told me it was 'normal' for a man to get an erection because of and whilst a child is on his lap.! I'm sorry but is this really true? Is it going to help anyone to hear that c rap?
Man playing God, the lot of them.
Yet when God played 'man' and healed everyone with the words - Believe it is so, what did they do?
-You can get by any which way,
But God and His Angels are there to heal you completely, if you ask.
Can relate to your situation very much, please do not give up hope, had have similar background to yourself, have struggled for years, only in this past year have I really found help, and it is working. Get in touch again with doctor and please find a counsellor, get in touch with me, if you need to chat by im, or email me, really feel for you, take care, Jean.
A second opinion/change of doctor is always a good idea if you are not confident in the one you have or have seen. Doctors all think they are right and that you are difficult if you don't agree with them. Don't let the egos of the medical profession prevent you from getting the help that is right for you. Don't feel like you are a nuisance of insulting to the doctor, they are there to help you not inflate their already overinflated God complex. See as many doctors as you want and don't let any of them stand in you way of finding the right path for you. At the end of the day, to them this is just a good Job, but to you this is what you call life.

Why do i feel so short and strange?

I have the same feeling as well, the reason might be you are unhappy with the thing and people around you.
hehe, I have that feeling from time to time. Let that feeling be. Dont fight with it. Go eat something.
I think everyone on this earth feels from time to time that they are strange or different from everyone else.
What difference does it make?

It's just a feeling. You feel hot, you feel hungry, you feel afraid. Short and strange aren't the worst feelings, and they probably don't have any basis in the rational world.

In other words, don't worry about it so much.

Why do I feel so sad?

I dont know why I'm feeling so sad and like I want to cry. It was like this morning I was happy. Well, I feel worried too and I dont know why. Things that are going in my life is that my dad is going to the states and I've been waiting to go for three yrs since I moved to the Philippines and I've been depressed about that. I also have to go math tutorings everyday when i'm on summer vacation and I have a summer job teaching Koreans english. It's not really teaching though, it's more like making friends and getting paid for talking to them in english. Anywho, i'm also having a friendship problem but I dont know, I've been over that I think, it happened a couple months ago and I have to go back to school with her. And well.. I dont have much of a big social life, I've been busy and stuff so yea. Im just 14 and these deep feelings keep coming to me since I moved which was like 2 or 3 yrs ago. I left so much behind. What is bothering me and why am I like this?
You may be suffering from anxiety or depression. I have both, in large generous measure. This stuff messes up your perception of life. THings are NOT as bad as they seem, your feelings lie to you.
What you are doing with the Korean students is important and IS teaching. If you do this right you will do more to help them learn English than anyone else. I have done what you are doing off and on for years and have many people tell me that I have helped them a lot. You can find a lot of creative and fun ways to be a tutor. I use recorded weather and traffic broadcasts since this is something relevant that they will need every day. Using almanacs and maps is another good teaching tool.
As for your friend problem, these things hurt while they are happening, but this too will pass. You will meet many other friends in the future, and they will either be temporaryy or you will meet life long friends who will always stick by you. It's just how it is.
See if you have a counselor you can trust, or if you go to church, you may have a good pastor or elder who can give you a hand.
I will be praying for you. Fourteen can be a lonely time. It was for me, until I met friends who were in the same boat I was (being a nerd).
Hang in there!!
You just answered your own question. You've got a full plate and it doesn't sound like you have much fun. It's hard when their are a lot of changes in your life and your reaction is perfectly normal. Talk to your dad and tell him your concerns. Why not get to know some of the local kids and hang out?
Look dear... Be your own company .. that is best at the moment.. Be sure.. no one can bother you if you do not allow them to bother .. we bother our self .. and somewhere.. we enjoy doing so .. using it as our pass time.. divert your attention... whatever you do .. put yourself in it .. do not try to put something else in you .. put yourself in it.. it becomes your best help source.. just try ..

Why do i feel so different from everyone else?

i feel like theres something wrong with me..i also feel like i dont fit in most of the time..i feel like im stupid or like i dont know how to handle life..why these feelimgs?
indeed. it's other peoples reactions to us that make us who we are; wouldn't you say?
Not so different, lots of people feel like you. Counseling and sometimes meds can help
yeah. Counseling can help you. You need to understand yourself better.
It's called growing up, these feelings of discontent make you aspire to greater heights. You see things in others that appeal to you and you may want to emulate, in others you may see the bad things you would never want to be. It's normal, your normal just young. That's what they are talking about when they say the youth aren't mature enough to make certain decisions, it's not meant to be insulting, it's just life. I hope this helped.
you are kind of boreing if we were all the same yourself.
Youre depressed ,sounds like it.. Not a major case, but depressed none the less. Try taking up an activitie, it will get the good feeling chemicals working in the brain! Do something purely for YOU. Stroke your own ego for some time.
I feel like that too. I've felt inadequate since I was very young. I couldn't tell you why, I don't know. I do know you should probably see a therapist about it though.
We've all been there- at least a good majority of us. It is normal. All these feelings are telling you is that you're unhappy and you need to find 'happy'. You need to do things that make you feel good... At first this is going to be kind of awkward- maybe even scary, because you might have gotten use to feeling the way you do. It takes courage, but you need to slowly start to make yourself feel happy... It can be tough, but when something is tough- it's usually the right thing to do. Same way as the wrong thing to do is always the easiest. Cheer up though- you're not alone and your feelings can be conquered and changed, seek a counselor- stay away from drugs if you can(anti-depressants), learn to mediate instead and find out what things make you happy- and do lots of those things.
Hi, firstly you need to except yourself and respect yourself and stop criticising yourself. You need to know that everyone is different, worry about you, instead of others, no one is better or worse than you. Instead of saying negative things about yourself, look for positive things to say about yourself and it will make you feel better. Try an go with out criticising your self. Well I wish you all the best and think POSITIVE.
We are all humans, and stop letting others intimidate you.

Why do I feel so depressed?

I feel down in the dumps. What's the difference between depression %26 bipolar? I do get angry %26 irritable a lot, but that's because of my anxiety. I'm almost never happy. I don't have highs. I'm always low. Something has to MAKE me happy. %26 the second I get happy. I'm sad %26 angry all over again. I don't want to end back up in the hospital.

I need more meds, %26 the receptionist @ the Dr.'s office told me to wait until AFTER I run out of my meds to go to the ER if I feel suicidal, in which I'm not suicidal. Why do they want me to wait until after I run out of my meds? This is incorrect because I should'nt ever let myself run out. I'm afraid of withdrawal %26 relapse symptoms.
That doesn't sound like Bipolar to me. It sounds like clinical depression, which is what I have. I once had a friend who was Bipolar and she would be crying one minute and the next, she would be so excited, I could hardly get a word in edgewise.

Always remember that depression is anger turned inward. My therapist told me that several years ago. You probably have things from your past that you never really got over and it was too hard to face it so you replaced it with depression.

I have no idea why they told you to wait until you were out of the meds before coming to the ER...especially if you are suicidal. What was she thinking?? I would go anyway.they surely won't send you home if you are having those kind of thoughts. I'm so sorry you are feeling so down...depression is the pits! I know because I have suffered for years! Take care of yourself and refill your meds as soon as you can. Next time you might try to make sure that you go a few days before you run out...hard for me to remember too. Good luck!
It doesn't sound like bipolar, it sounds more like depression. Bipolar symptoms are usually hypermania for a long period of time, then depressive symptoms for a period of time. Anxiety usually go along with depression.

Meds will help, but it sounds like you need counseling along with medications. Medications can only go so far. Counseling will help to deal with what makes you unhappy in your life, and could help you find the answers you are looking for.
i dont think you are bipolar, i think you are depressed. you should go to a therapist

Why do i feel so depressed?

my husband is in the army and away for 4 months. Just lately i have been feeling really down all the time i dont sleep and have lot weight. I lost my little boy 11 years ago when he was 5 weeks old but just lately i cant stop thinking about him and have nightmares nearly every night. My family live in england and i miss them really much i only get to see them once a year has we live in germany. I only have 1 friend and she has just moved away.
I am so sorry hun! I kinda know how you feel I lost my baby too but that was only a year and a half ago. My fiancee works everyday all day so I feel lonely a lot too. My family is moving today..only an hour away but it still hurts. I also dont have any friends. I feel for you girl! If you ever need anything you can email me at and I am not on messenger a lot but if you wanna talk that way... my IM is lovingkrazykitten. Hope you feel better soon! God Bless!
I think you answered your own question. I'm sorry you are depressed. Maybe there is a church group or support group you could attend. Good luck.
You feel depressed because there is no one around to talk to...and loosing your child, of course your going to keep thinking about it honey, I'd hope you wouldn't forget him.
Try and call your family, or book a flight to go live with them for a little while.

I went out with my family a few weeks ago and I felt so much better when I went back.

Good luck.
Oh, honey, I'm sorry! Do you have a job? Maybe you could get a little part-time job just to get out of the house and meet some people?

Are you near a park or lake? Go for walks! Physical activity is VERY good for elevating your mood! Work in the yard! Buy some pretty flowers to plant!

Look in the phone book or call a church near you to see if you can volunteer! Helping other people is a GREAT way to help your mood!

Write your husband long letters and poems!

You can email me if you want to!
Hang in there.

Try to do small things. Get outside for awhile.

You are not alone.
Depression is a chemical inbalance in the brain. It can be triggered by traumatic events, such as loosing you child (I am very sorry to hear that) and could have been worsend by your husbands deployment. My husband is a Marine, so I can sympathize. You should talk to your doctor. There are many medications out there that can really help.
aw, you should go on the computer more and find friends. or just chat and remember the safety rules online. =P hope you feel much better. =)
You don't have to be depressed. You should seek help. I used to be depressed and after seeing a doctor I felt much better. I am sorry about you son and it could be because you husband is gone that you may be feeling as if you have lost him too. I have never been to England or Germany but I can be your friend in America. I am always checking my mail so if you would like to chat that would be great. I am a single parent of 2 kids and there father has them half the time. So I have free time to make new friends. Take Care! Sarah
You may be having " seperation anxiety". You are alone, you feel. But, there are alot of support groups via web, and there are also therapists that you can talk to. You HAVE to get help... SOON. I've been Bi-Polar and manic depressive for over 2 years now. And I NEVER leave my home. It's all I can do to get out of the bed in the morning.I am on medication, but, it makes me sleep all the time. I need my meds, because if the bi polar, and I've been a threat to myself and to others. That is one reason why I don't leave my house. I too, have like "ZERO" friends. nobody can put up w/ my mood swings. Girl, I encourage you to see a professional.
Blueridgeliving is right, but it sounds like you are very lonely and anyone can see why. Keep reaching out to whatever family and friends you have, and do it often. Even if is someone you havn't had contact with in a long time. There may even be a support group or online community for women like you. Expressing your feelings to someone who listens is a great way to help yourself. I hope you feel better soon.
I see your answer right in your question. You are lonely, the people you love/care about "leave" you. I think you should seek a therapist. Just remember, your son (I am sorry to hear about that) is in a better place, and it was meant to be. Your family loves you and you can always talk to them on the phone or via the internet. And your husband, well he's serving your country! What a hero! He will be home soon. It will pass, but like I said, talk to someone!! Good luck! :)
There are 2 basic types of depression; situational and atypical. Situational is the type that you get when there is a actual situation that causes depression. Atypical is depression that lasts more than 2 weeks and is not directly related to a situation. If situational depression lasts more than 2 weeks or so it can be now called situational. If you feel that this depression of yours is because of your separation from your family and your husband there are things you can do to repair this. Long distance calls are a lot cheaper than you might think. Calling Iraq and/or England can be cheap. Use this resource liberally. Find local places that you can meet people like yourself. Military resources are good as well as groups associated with a church, or perhaps an Embassy. Get out, meet others and make those phone calls. If the atypical depression persists remember that is an illness, not something you can talk yourself out of. Check out local counseling services. Maybe medication is in order. Remember that you can feel better soon. Don't sit home and do nothing.

You are on the first step to recovery. You have acknowledge that you could do with a helping hand. You probably feel in a rut and can't get out of it? Start taking control of your life and your thoughts. Take responsibility of your life.
Start doing new things. Start setting goals.?? What are your goals? Do you have any written down? What do you want to do? Anything new?

Take a first step into being a new better person. You are the total sum of all your Thoughts that you have ver had to date. We tend to renew our thoughts good or bad. You must star trying to be a little more positive every day. This will make you fell a little better each. Day. Start today and make a list of your positive attributes and what you stand for.

Think of how lucky that that you have a medium to communicate with people globally!! Make a list of improvements that you desire. Start slowly and easily. Set yourself goals.

Speak to a friend or join a club in your area. If there aren't any start one. You will make new friendships. Remember to make time for yourself. Reward yourself for goals that you achieve.

Speak to someone about the loss of your little boy. Don't bottle the feeling up inside. I lost my brother 13 years ago. He died a week before his 21st Birthday (I was 19) It was cancer. A slow and painful death. i took drugs to blot out the misery.

I am much wiser now (34) and peaceful.

Hope this helps and remember you have friends on this website! Why not start you own website!?? You can make Friends there and speak about your feelings and your life.

hang in there. Remember we are the only animals that don't know that the sole purpose in life is to enjoy it. Samuel Barber.

Take care.
See on pages 2 %26 3. Find new friends through interest groups, church, or volunteer to help a worthwhile cause or charity, like taking a disadvantaged child on a outing for a day, helping in an animal shelter, or visiting ill children in hospital. Contact a social worker through your local hospital, for more ideas and suggestions.

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