So i have this problem, because I can never stop making myself depress. I have been depress for long time, I am thinking I am getting addicted to it, but it is ruining my life. Even when something doesn't have to involve me, I get depres over it. I want to stop doing this, but it won't stop. I know no one else is making me feel this way, it's me. Which is bad, becasue sooner or later I am going to do something I am going to regret. I sound soo pathetic...lucky for me I get to go on Anti-depressent, but I've read they increase suicidal Thoughts/actions. = (
i hear ya sister i have been depressed for 6 years and nothing worked for me i actually forgot the feeling of happiness i can't remember the last time i was really happy. its a cycle i feel my depression make me hate myself in return i punish myself by making myself more depressed .. etc
for suicidal thoughts , i already attempt suicide twice and im not sure how close the third but what stopping me is my mother she is what i love the most and i don't want to break her heart i prefer mine broken over her
Go talk to your doctor sweetie!
your not making yourself depressed you have deprssion and anti depressants can only increase suicidal thoughts if you go off them to quicly and its still not garanteed to happen then either
forget yourself and focus on something useful
Yes this can happen in certain medications that doctors prescribe. I believe they increase the suicidal thoughts because when you take one you feel good and afterwards you come down off of the pill and it makes you even more depressed. From personal experiance.
What i suggest you do is start going to counseling. Figure out what the real problem is.
To further answer your question. I think that people make themselves depressed because their lives arent exactly on the right track. Also when your growing, your hormones are just up and down and it just makes you stressed. Believe me i know! Its hard but talking to someone about it could really make a differance, like a friend or counsler. If you want you can talk to me! Email me!
yeah I know what it is like I suffer from depression and I still haven't found out my cause or why.
I simply couldn't walk away from you and another couple of answers I saw here! The young girl who is living for her mom reminds me of someone I once knew so well; (it was me!)
However, I have been tremendously happy now for many years and I will, no I must, share it with you now...
The whole system in which we live in is conducive to making people so diseased (or ill at ease!) and due to the fact that the FDA for "food and drug association!! Can we believe our ears? What should food and drug have to do with one another? Strange bed-fellows indeed! Don't you think? The sad truth is that they want us to need to be just ill enough to need their drugs and keep us on the list of the comfortably numb as it keeps them rich... Did you know that there are more of them at the Senate than there are senators and they fill the pockets of our politicians to get their laws accepted. Once we realize the enormity of this situation, we begin to take our own lives in our own hands, which instantly gives us that feeling of "control" over something we had taken for granted too long that we had no control over... and we almost begin to feel better instantly. Take nothing more with "fructose" in it and check the ingredients on all products in the store shelves before you purchase them... No white sugars either but fructose is much worst! The less the processed foods you will eat, the faster you will heal... This goes for everyone you know (human and otherwise!) as the whole system is geared to make money on our backs and at our expense... Take your life back by doing a little homework about these things and if you can get your hands on Kevin Trudeau's books "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" could be a good start! He knows this "outfit" quite well from personal experience and once you become involved and feel that sense of "power" in your own life, you will be amazed at the results. Happiness dear one, never was found in a pill but in being allowed to be the wonderful human being that our Creator intended and still intends for us to be, in His image, which is full of love, wisdom, power and justice and once you begin to sort through the truths from the lies of this world which the small "g" god of 2 Corinthians 4:4 loves to blind us all with in the name of all things evil. A great way to start feeling great, would be to slowly or gradually get yourself off of the the poison you have been on and drink at least ten fresh glasses of water a day; eat natural! as natural as possible in this day and age anyway! get yourself a natural supplement of necessary vitamins such as "Life" and not "Centrum" which still shows the name on the bullet when it comes out of you as it won't dissolve and contains dangerous vitamins in their daily supplement anyhow! (the joys of free speech!! I tell you!) LOL
Once you begin to do these things and practise living in the moment you are in; watch the ideas you put in your head as it is the most powerful computer ever created (the brain) and will give you whatever it is that you program it with... The more positive and accurate truth you put in it, the better it will be able to serve you like the veritable pro that it is as our Creator did such a fantastic job of it, if only we didn't blow it all with the free-will He so generously blesses us with. Indeed, we aren't robots and are made to look to our God for help and assistance in how to cultivate the wonderful fruits of His spirit (active force!) listed at Galatians 5:21-22 and to worship Him in the manner that is pleasing and acceptable to Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24;) John 6:44: and 8:44 are worth a check too! and the peace of God that excels all thought will be with you at last. Philippians 4:7
Once you begin on your journey to discover the real truth of life and what the true purpose of that true God really was and still is (as He made all the necessary provision 2,000 years ago or 2 days ago to Him) and you will see these exciting times with your own eyes which will be here soon. The sad fact is that we have an impostor god who did all that he could for 6,000 years to blind us from the real wonderful life awaiting us all as he goes around like a roaring lion seeking to devour us all out of the divine promises guaranteed to us by the true and eternal living God, who cannot lie as seen in Hebrews 6:18 and Titus 1:2 and in many other places in the one and only book claiming divine inspiration from that one and only true God who knows from the beginning the finale and who is so wise as to have known from the start how He had to handle the Accuser of our brothers in the faith of that One who will soon make everything just GREAT! for you, me, and all of our loved ones; even the dead ones will be resurrected in a perfect body and a wonderfully cleaned-up earth which is described as the new earth and the new heaven from which our only government of peace will sit, with Christ himself as King... along with His chosen priests and judges, starting with his apostles but not John the Baptist (it is so written) as he died before the divine ransom sacrifice of the Christ's death could be given to our heavenly Father was offered to Him in the heavens, 40 days after the death of Jesus! I know that you can get out of this depression and if you follow just parts of these healthy solutions, you will do it! Whatever you ask our heavenly Father in the name of His son Jesus, He will be glad to give you and bless you with as Jesus himself told us that no father on earth would give a rock to his son if this one asked him for bread so how much more will our heavenly Father of love, wisdom, power and justice, give of his blessings to those approching Him in sincerety and spirit and truth! Take care sweetheart! You are loved and I pray this day that our Eternal God, whose name you sould find at Psalms 83:18 (doesn't everyone and everything have a name? Why shouldn't He? He even told Jesus to make His name known and Jesus told Him that he did and would keep on making it known) You'll need to start doing some homework yourself now!) yes! I pray that He will open your eyes and heart to the wonderful good news of what is soon to be yours and mine, where we will even have the honour to meet one of these days, as once death is done away with as promised througout the scriptures, we will all get to know our brothers and sisters on the planet... eventually (common sense!) and that His spirit (active force) which is what He used to create the whole universe! will guide you to His word and to the cultivation of His super healthy fruits at Galatians 5:21-22 and watch out for your soul that it doens't get too addicted to these wonderfully soul-filling fruits of His spirit and that you will take it nice and easy as you cultivate perhaps one a day! and do yourself another great favour by checking out the meaning of love according to our heavenly Father, which you will find at 1 Corinthians 13: 4 to 7. Please accept my love also! as it is not always easy to be as happy as we could be when seeing another soul in pain... May your pain become a thing of the past real soon! Isaiah 65:13, 17; 2 Peter 3:13... And always in the name of His son, our King and savior, I pray these things for you and all those suffering from what this world labels "depression" when in actuality it is nothing more than extreme sadness at not benefitting fully from our Creator's loving provisions as we have been too blinded by Satan's (see even the false god who tried to tempt even Jesus, in Matthew chapter four! has a name... and before that, it was Lucifer! and he is the one who mainly tries to erase the true God's name from existence! but just won't succeed as his battles are just that, whereas the final war is always won by the Father who is so much more powerful and wise and just and loves us so much in spirit and truth and loyalty!) Without Him, whose name in Hebrew was YHWH as there is no vowel in the Hebrew language..., not much is possible in this old world, but with Him, all things are possible... even an everlasting life of joy, happiness and peace in a perfect world, which is nothing less than I pray for you all! Thank you for reading this but don't just read once. Try to put it on hard copy so that you can visit these scriptures again and again as they will surely do more for you than any colored pill even could! I promise you that! Matthew 5:37; James 5:12
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