Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do some people avoid dealing with their problems?

Because we can come on ByeDr.com and deal with everyone else's problems.
avoidance, deniel, they rather not deal with their problesm
Some ppl think that if they ignore them, that the problem will go away.
Because some people think ignoring the problem is better than the confrontation or easier than taking the time to fix the problem. When in reality the underlying stress not dealing with the problem causes is worse than dealing with the problem and getting it off your shoulders.
Sometimes life has been really hard to them and for self preservation they choose to not let things get to them anymore! sometimes that good, but can be bad , when its something that really important!
Because they are so wrapped up in other people's lives and problems that they ignore their own. Kind of like avoiding the large elephant in the living room by walking around it instead of saying, "Hey! I have an elephant in my living room! Now how do I get it out of here?"
I agree with michelle about fear. Afraid to admit they admit they have a problem in case they cant do anything about it.But you cant let your fear beat you.When you face your problems before its gets worse.You will forget fear and the reward and peace of mind will so great.
Sometimes people want to change, but don't know how to deal their "own" problems. Maybe, Y!A is a good place to start. You can ask questions and get opinions. I find it useful to absorb only the information I feel is helpful, sometimes the people on Y!A are rude! If you feel like you are being attacked, just remember you are not the only one with problems. Nobody is perfect!
For me..ignnorance, but i know for many it's just plain fear.
We don't want to face our problems. We'd rather help others. We are afraid.
4 common reasons:

1) the problem doesn't bother them, only other people - this answer is the hardest for people who "see" the problem and who want to "help" the afflicted person to accept

2) there is some incentive (reward) to continue to avoid a problem that is greater than the pain of the problem. (Some addicts continue to use because the pleasure of the drug exceeds the pain of the consequences)

3) denial- hope that it will go away on its own

4) powerlessness -the person says to himself "I don't have what it takes to fix this."
Because reality is too much to handle at times. I know I'd much rather avoid at times than deal with the pain.

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