Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do I keep having this irrational fear & paranoia about snakes?

My twin sister recently told me about how a snake was at her doorstep. Even though we live in different states, I have trouble sleeping @ night because of fear that a snake will sneak in my apartment %26 sneak through the pipes through the toilet or drains or something %26 come out %26 squeeze me.

When I was younger, I was attacked by my brother's pet snake. I'ms so scared! What should I do? This is interfering with my daily life, %26 I don't want to waste energy %26 money by keeping the lights on all night. How can I overcome this?
keep a rat around... it will eat that before you....feed that snake..keep some food around for it...**NOW SLEEP TIGHT...**
hmm may be you have had some bad experience or some kind of negative imprint when you were a child and not remembering it. But also Bible says in the Genesis Snake was the one made woman eat the fruit of knowledge, therefore it is normal to be afraid of snake. It is just a funny story, but something to thin about there..?
Well, if it is a serious problem that is preventing you from living a normal life, maybe see a professional.

If you think you can deal with it on your own, try this.

Go to a zoo. Walk right up to the snakepit or where ever they keep the snakes.

See how they can't hurt you. Maybe even watch them for a while to see their behavior. If you think you could handle that, I'd give it a shot.

And depending on where you live, you might not even have any poisonous snakes in the area. Any time you're scared, just remember that the chances of a snake biting you and attacking you is almost none.
wow I'm so sorry to hear that. check out something called DMR therapy of some sort. I am currently taking psychology. My professor had mentioned it to the class before. It suppose to help you in many different ways. I'll find out more for you ok. I'm not even sure if that is the correct name it could be tmr i'm not sure but i will ask her tomorrow when i have my midterm ugh.
I think you have developed a phobia for snakes. You need to seek help from a mental health professional like a psychologist or psychotherapist-especially since it interferes with your daily life. I've never been to one, but I think you should also ask them beforehand if they provide treatment for phobias and if they have ever dealt with phobics before.
Does not sound irrational to me!! You have had lots of sneaky snake encounters. I don't think that a snake can get in your pipes. BUT, I know that mothballs repel snakes. Scatter them around your apartment.
you or your sister does not know whats going to happen when you go near a snake

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