Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do I wake up scared out of my sleep and see dark things?

I saw the ace of spades on my wall.
I saw a black spider on my pillow.
I seen black snakes.
All different nights. Not all in one night. I wake up this scares me then slowly they vanish.
If anyone can tell me please whats going on id be so happy.
Thank you.
The reason you see images when you first wake up, is because you are not fully awake and are seeing images from dreams. As you become more awake, they fade. The same thing also happens to me, especially if I've had a nightmare and awaken quickly. I've learned to not pay much attention to it.
You may be experiencing night terrors. Here's a website that may help you to see if this aplies to you.
you dont say your age,inthe 10-14 age group we see all sorts of things in the dark,with the help of our imagination,its quite normal,when you wake up turn on the light.
The ace of spades on the wall means you need to visit a casino soon. There is good luck in store for you there.

The black spider on your pillow is only making sure there are no other bugs around before you lay your head on the pillow.

The black snakes are just an illusion. You need to see a psychiatrist.
It sounds as if you you may be experiencing a form of night terrors. The best thing I would recommend is to go see your doctor for an evaluation. Here is a web site with a good explanation of night terrors and other sleep disorders: You are not crazy. Hang in There.

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