Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do I laugh when something is sad?

For instance, if someone says that somebody else's grandma has died, my first response is to laugh. Or else, the other day my teacher was getting really emotional about how much teaching meant to him, and he started crying and I couldn't hold in the laughter. I'm 22 years old, and feel as if I am mature.
sometimes a person can hold in emotions and they don't want to cry so they laugh instead which is usually taken wrong unless someone knows you. when i get really frusterated i will giggle and i can't help it and i don't know why i do it and it makes me more frusterated and i also use humour to cover what i really feel a lot. it is not am immature thing it is an emotional thing that you are trying to deal with and it is hard because now it is probably a habit. have you been taught not to cry? that might have something to do with it. maybe try biting your tongue that sometimes helps when you don't want to laugh. that is just your way and just try to explain that to people that you are not doing it on pupose but that it is a habit and you do feel for them. hope this helps
you're what they call a psychopath
Oh Snap!! Well, What Did Y'all Do To The Teacher That Made Him Bug Out Like That?? I Remember When I Was In High School, One Of Us Threw A Penny At The Teacher While She Was Writing On The Board And She Just Bugged Out And The Whole Class Was Just Laughing. She Wasn't Even A Sub Or Anything. But That's Just Kids Been Kids, You Know?? But You 22, I Don't Know Man, You're On Your Own. You Think It's Just Your Sense Of Humor, Cuz I Got A Pretty Big One, My Self!!
Because your only choices are to either laugh or cry, but try to be more sensitive of others feelings, they may take it the wrong way.
tssk tssk tssk..

too bad..
maybe you are thinking of something..
Some people have a very hard time expressing their emotions and/or were even taught not to when they were young. Most comedians suffer from depression or have at some time in their lives or have abusive backgrounds. I definitely don't believe it is not because you do not feel for that person you just may have a very hard time expressing sadness. Perhaps you could talk to a therapist and see if there are underlying reasons.
It's alright; you're not crazy. I would think that when a dire situation is presneted before you, you're not sure what to feel about it so you laugh; sort of like a nervous laugh to get the feeling out or some kind of feeling out; to relieve yourself. This doesn't mean you don't care, it just means you have a different way of letting things out. It could also be a phase that you're in at the moment where everything that's serious to tothers isn't to you, bu be careful. Ther emight be a point where you won't be lauhging anymore so watch out for that moment.
The good news is, your body and mind go through a lot less stress than almost everybody else, but there is a bad side to this. The reason this happens is you are insecure with your emotions, and your way of dealing with a situation is to blow it off like it's less of a problem than it is. Somewhere in your upbringing you lost the ability to deal with tough situations, and especially the ability to empathize with others. It may have been education like "Real men don't cry" or "people who get sad are weak".

This isn't a wrong view on life, or anything. It's just different. Like I said, you have a specific advantage over most people. But in the long term, you will have many problems with relationships, especially when people need you the most. They will find when they turn to you for help, you are unable to. And this is the definition of what true friendship, and love, is. So you can see the problems there.

You're probably the type that when something happens (like a breakup) you easily walk away and just put it all out of your mind, and move on. That's the same self-preservation act as laughing at something that is sad.

If you want to save your future relationships, try to work on your emotional problem. If you'd rather not, then don't. It doesn't matter, people will learn not to rely on you.

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