Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do psychologists prescribe anti depressants so much for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

My psych just kept switching me from one to the next ( Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, and Back to Paxil) even though I explained to her that it was making me worse and increasing frequency and level of my panic attacks and making me reckless. Are they really controlled by these pharmaceutical manufacturers?
anti depressants are for depressed clients..
if u have anxiety, then
anxiolytics are best for you

if he isnt prescribing any, you should ask him to consider anti-anxiety drugs like
diazepam (Valium);
Xanax (a brand name)
and so others..(the generic name ends in -pam most of the time)

if you wish to discontinue the meds u currently take, taper the dose and dont discontinue it right away..you might develop withdrawal symptoms if u have been taking it for a long time already..

think of ways to cope with the anxiety...
reflect back on what u did before to counter the anxiety..
some people do guided imagery (where they close their eyes, relax and think of relaxing thoughts)
some do what they think is helpful.

think of ways that helps u...it may be better than depending on drugs..even if its for anxiety..

Most anti-depressants also work to help alleviate anxiety. I'm on Cipralex and it seems to be working well.
I have Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I was told that Prozac also helps with anxiety. It helped with my depression, but not the anxiety. I am now taking an anti-depressant and anxiety medication. I'm still trying to find an anxiety medication that helps me. Some of them can be addictive (especially Xanax), and I am trying to avoid those types.

Also, are you seeing a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist? Psychiatrists are the ones with the training about medications, and are the only ones that can prescribe the medications. A Psychologist is generally used for therapy only.

Whatever the case, it sounds as if your doctor is not listening to you. If you don't get the care you need, I would suggest seeing someone else. Also, some anti-depressants can cause anxiety, and anxiety medications can cause depression. I have no idea why they work that way, but they do. :(
It's true that many anti-depressants can be very effective against anxiety. However, it doesn't sound like they're helping you. Do you suffer from depression as well as anxiety? If so, the challenge lies in finding the right mix to treat both the depression and the anxiety. Too-high doses of antidepressants in some people can certainly cause anxiety.

Without knowing your full diagnosis, it's kind of hard to know where to go from here. Has your doctor tried you on any anxiolytics such as ativan or klonopin or xanax? If you're both anxious and depressed, it might work to have you on both an SSRI and an anxiolytic.

It sounds like you're really frustrated with your doctor, if you think her treatment plan is being directed by big pharma. I'd suggest consulting another doctor.

Good luck!
Because malpractice insurance only protects healthcare professionals who follow the rules set up by the pharmaceutical companies. It is their only option.

Working outside of the medical/pharmaceutical field gives you access to stress and anxiety reducing yoga, all natural herbal supplements that do help and are not as harmful in the long run, as well as mental and emotional reprogramming you can do yourself for free:

http://www.mynsp.com/carole/products/gui... and http://www.mynsp.com/carole/products/gui...

If you are taking the medication, you should speak to your healthcare professional before changing or adding to your health care program - that included herbs and supplements.

"Are they really controlled by these pharmaceutical manufacturers?"

I'd say the answer is Yes. -_- I've been struggling with a local "mental health" system and trying to avoid the HMO crap for 15+ years, working and busting my hump to get better from depression and post-traumatic stress issues.

And it seems like with each year the local system *invents* new ways to twist and pervert what *should be* the science of psychology to a) keep people dumb, docile and dependent, or conversely b) shut them out of the system and deny them any chance at getting in to see a doctor and get on meds that work. This year, the local Crisis Line just *refuses* to do its job like it did for me last year, so now it's a "choice" between a 3-6 month waiting period and *maybe* I *might* get the almighty treat of seeing some "doctor" for 5 damn paltry minutes who *doesn't even speak my language* here. Or I can go to the ER and get *locked up* like a criminal in the Psych Ward and have all my human rights stripped away while the cheap bastids drug me into a coma.

I swear, both me and my current therapist have made so many, *so many* phone calls that either haven't been returned for days or when they are returned, the level of "hoops to jump through" or denial of service is just absurd. It's like the local system is trying to *force* folks through the cracks *on purpose*. It's like they *want to* goad as many people into attempting suicide or worse as possible, so the HMOs (and the rightwads who own them all) have *an excuse* to lock us ALL up again, regardless of any real potential to get better.

If I weren't dirt poor, destitute really...I'd sue. God help me for saying this, because suing would do *so* much harm right now.I might end up with enough money out of it to get myself better, but anywhere from hundreds to thousands of people in my local commuinty would be denied care utterly as the local system would just fold up and *walk away* and not get replaced *at all*. But yeah, in a rational world, I'd be suing folks for negligence and malpractice--you just *don't* see this kind of neglect and denial of service and game-playing on other legitimate medical issues like cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

But I digress. Sorry to rant on so. This is really a raw-nerve topic with me...right now I am so frustrated and fed up with having these problems and with NOBODY caring at all and wanting me to get better. And yet...I have to contain things if I don't want to be imprisoned without Due Process. If I don't want to be erased.

I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone in this, and in fact, there are some parts of the country, at least here in the United States, where the situation has become *so* political and *so driven* by HMO greed and bigotry that *plenty* of good people are about to *snap* on this one.

Take care and stay safe. -_-
because anxiety and depression are most ofte caused by
problems with brain chemistry.

There are behavior changes that you can work on yourself.
What you think, you are. Change the things in your head that make you anxious. You can find some therapist that can work with you concering that.. You need to change what your inner voice tells you.
Well...interesting you should ask, "are they controlled by the drug manufacturers?". I'm starting to think the answer is yes, particularly after reading a letter of resignation written by a psychiatrist. He resigned from being a member of the APA (American Psychiatric Association) after 30 years because he said the APA was in bed with the drug companies involving such things as "rewarding the APA and mental health doctors with thousands of dollars for prescribing certain medicines even though alternatives may be available". You can see this website for this psychiatrists letter of resignation (in full):

(the letter is in 2 parts, the 2nd part is on the next page).

Here's another website that goes into this topic in hopes of helping anyone who's truly mentally ill:


This last website I've listed talks about something that supports the psychiatist who reisgned, when he said that the other reason he was resigning was because the DSM IV (the diagnostic manual for mental illnesses) was full of inaccuracies. This DSM IV inaccuracy subject is explained better by this Mayo Clinic website which explains "how" they decide who's normal %26 who's not:


If you look at this Mayo clinic article, they say they use "personal opinions to decide who's considered normal, and these opinions can change with the current social %26 cultural trends". This article poses questions in one's mind like, "How can you decide who's normal based on personal opinions, %26 social trends, and NOT science?" If they can use mere "opinions, which change with social trends", they can easily be guilty of being in bed with the drug companies.

Due to finding out they use "opinions %26 not science" to decide who's normal, I'm another person who decided to turn their back on psychiarty in some fashion. When I found this out in 1979, I refused to become a psychologist as I'd planned because I refused to participate in judging others based on a "mere" opinion. This never seemed right to me. I think anyone in the mental health field has either not realized what they've done, or they have no heart--people with no heart will allow drug companies to pay them off because they're in it for the money.
Boy can I relate to your problem. Had to go to the doctors for anxiety and panic attacks. The very first thing he per scribed was Paxil, I tried it for almost 2 weeks and was getting worse by the hour. I felt like I was on some kind of speed. I tried to explain that I wasn't depressed so why an anti depressant? To make a long story short I quit the Paxil with my docs knowledge and feel so much better. I'm trying to deal with the anxiety without meds.
Did you give your pills time to work? I'm on Lexapro and I see a therapist every week. I am doing so much better! I wish you luck. Insurance covers therapy so seek into it and maybe you can be off the drugs.
My mum has panic disorder and has never been on anti depressants but has been on a type of Epilepsy medication for the last 10 years, although she does not have epilepsy, she has had her panic attacks under control the whole time she has been on this medication.

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