Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why does paxil wake me up so much?

When I started to take paxil I started feeling more awake for some reason? So much that now I have to take some sleep aid in order for me to fall asleep? Why does it do this?
Some anti depressants have a stimulating effect, which can lead to insomnia, others have a sedating effect.

If you've been on Paxil a while and still can't sleep, speak to your prescribing doctor and discuss reducing the dosage, if you're on a high dosage.

Alternatively, ask if you can take the medicine very early in the morning.

Some people do have to take sleeping pills while they're on anti depressants, and you may have to go down this route for a while. Make sure that whichever sleeping pill you opt for is safe to take with the Paxil, though.

Best of luck.
Mild Constipation
sometimes antidepressants will jack you up and give you some energy, some times they will make you very tired, it just depends on you. however if you just started the medication and it is doing that to you, you could have been misdiagnosed. bipolar disorder is often at first diagnosed as depression and then as people take the meds it can put them in a mania. that is something to consider. i hope this helps. if you really don't like it then talk to your doc and see what he has to say and maybe he can put you on something else that you like better.

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