Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why can't I remember my childhood?

I can only remember a couple of events (with very few details) from age six through 10-ish. Before age 6, it's like I didn't exist. I can't remember anything! It really scares me because I know that nearly everyone else has memories, lots of them, and happy ones. They also say they can remember things from about age 2 or 3.

What's wrong with me? Some say that I was so traumatized that I just blocked it all out. Is this true? If so then why can't I even remember what the trauma was?

What should I do?
on the seriuos side traumatic events can concrete those doors in your mind closed. my step father molested me at a young age and i had no conscious memories of child hood until the effects of all that led to drugs and alcohol and the later therapy and some ,rehabs,lol, it's ok i can laugh about it today. but seriously, hypnotherapy can help or just seeing a therapist becausae usually if it's not a conscious thing it's probably buried deep in the back..
Did you smack your head or something?

Some people are better at remembering things, i guess. Look through a photo album or talk to your parents (if you can)
I can't remember anything before I was 5. Sometimes I'll get little flashes of me in like a Radio Flyer or something. But for the most part, if it was before second grade, there isn't a chance in hell I will remember it.

Unless you've got due cause to believe you were tramautized I wouldn't worry. Memories fade over time, and it's not like when we were little we were thinking Man, I need to remember this for the rest of my life! The information probably got tossed away so that we could learn how to add.
your brain just didn't remember things at that time. i had 3 beers the other day and didn't remember how i got back home. annoying yes, but ultimately i got home in 1 piece so it cant have been that eventful
Either it's not worth remembering or it's the drugs.
clearly is was not that event full
I'm sure everyones memories are completely different. Not everyone has such a long memory span. There is probably nothing wrong with you. Don't freak out because I know other people who can not remember anything. maybe it is just because they were bad memories and you don't want to remember them.
How old are you now? I know when I was 15ish I couldn't remember when I was in kindergarden, but all of a sudden one day i remembered everything. it was so strange. Then, I moved out of the house under not so good circumstances, and I couldn't remember the time period before my mom and dad got divorced. But, then, one day it all came flooding back to me, and i almost needed therapy... lol i can laugh about it now, but I had a rough couple of years, that's for sure.

Maybe you had a traumatic experience like a parent or family member getting divorced or moving away, or a grandparent dying or something of that nature. who knows. Our brains are such strange things that it's hard telling. I know one time i forgot about a year and a half of school, simply because we'd moved.

If you're really concerned about it, try meditating. see if you can remember the one or two things that you can, and see if you can remember what you did after or before that time. Also, you could try listening to music from that time period, like what your parents listened to and it might bring back little memories.

good luck, hope everything works out for you! (oh, no, you're not alone.)
Most people can't remember as far back as 2 or 3. Either your friends are lying or they're wrong about how old they were when the event they're remembering happened.

Some people just have a better memory than others. I've never been able to remember much about my childhood, and it was not traumatic or horrible.

I wouldn't fret about it.
Perhaps looking through a photo album would help. The worst case I know personally was a girl 14 years old who said that she could not remember anything before she was 12. That was only a two year span of memories!
How early did you learn to read? How young were you when you learned to speak? Putting your mind into these modes of thought changes the way that you think. Maybe that's why you can't remember and the other people you talk to just started thinking that way at an earlier age. Some people can't remember anything from before they learned to speak, some people can't rememebr anything from before they learned to read. It doesn't necessarily mean that you were traumatized.

Also, if you're hypnotized it's very hard not to get implanted with the suggestion that you were traumatized, especially since that's already what you're thinking in your waking moments.
try the imnosis.

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