Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do I feel like effexor clouds my mind?

I have chronic depression and have been on effexor xr 225mg for 4 years. I feel like being on it clouds my mind, but when i am off it all i think about is the distracting side effects i feel.
Effexor XR to me seems like the worst choice for a lot of people. I've been a certified pharmacy technician for 3 years, and I've seen and heard so many horror stories about withdrawal from this drug. I was also put on Effexor XR but it made me so sick that I couldn't function at all. Finding the right antidepressant for you can take a lot of trial and error. If you feel like the Effexor is clouding your brain, I would recommend that you discuss weening yourself from it with your doctor. The best way to go about that is to taper the dosage each week until you can eventually stop it. Also, the withdrawal from it won't be as bad if the doctor switches you to another medication that works similarly, in my case Zoloft was the best for me. I wish you well!
Try another anti-dep. I've had to go through several before I found the right fit for me.
I had taken Effexor before and if I missed even one I would feel dizzy and so sick, I eventually changed to Zoloft. Hope you find something that works for you.
i really couldn't tell ya but if ya find out let me know something more about it. my mom has been on it for 7 years and i can tell if she hasnt taken it 30 min. after she is out of bed. she gets really mean and depressed. her doctors has tried 2 take her off of it many times and it has failed so if u can get off of it now i think i would.
See the intro %26 section on depression treatments/resources at ( on page 2.
I've been on Efexor for almost two weeks and I too am not feeling great on it!

I can't sleep, have hardly any appetite, have a dry mouth all the time, and feel really miserable.

Don't know if that's any consolation; just thought it might help you to know that others out there are also feeling rough on this medication!

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