Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do I feel so depressed?

I feel down in the dumps. What's the difference between depression %26 bipolar? I do get angry %26 irritable a lot, but that's because of my anxiety. I'm almost never happy. I don't have highs. I'm always low. Something has to MAKE me happy. %26 the second I get happy. I'm sad %26 angry all over again. I don't want to end back up in the hospital.

I need more meds, %26 the receptionist @ the Dr.'s office told me to wait until AFTER I run out of my meds to go to the ER if I feel suicidal, in which I'm not suicidal. Why do they want me to wait until after I run out of my meds? This is incorrect because I should'nt ever let myself run out. I'm afraid of withdrawal %26 relapse symptoms.
That doesn't sound like Bipolar to me. It sounds like clinical depression, which is what I have. I once had a friend who was Bipolar and she would be crying one minute and the next, she would be so excited, I could hardly get a word in edgewise.

Always remember that depression is anger turned inward. My therapist told me that several years ago. You probably have things from your past that you never really got over and it was too hard to face it so you replaced it with depression.

I have no idea why they told you to wait until you were out of the meds before coming to the ER...especially if you are suicidal. What was she thinking?? I would go anyway.they surely won't send you home if you are having those kind of thoughts. I'm so sorry you are feeling so down...depression is the pits! I know because I have suffered for years! Take care of yourself and refill your meds as soon as you can. Next time you might try to make sure that you go a few days before you run out...hard for me to remember too. Good luck!
It doesn't sound like bipolar, it sounds more like depression. Bipolar symptoms are usually hypermania for a long period of time, then depressive symptoms for a period of time. Anxiety usually go along with depression.

Meds will help, but it sounds like you need counseling along with medications. Medications can only go so far. Counseling will help to deal with what makes you unhappy in your life, and could help you find the answers you are looking for.
i dont think you are bipolar, i think you are depressed. you should go to a therapist

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